Chapter 34: It Gets Worse

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After everyone left last night, I had just enough strength to set everything up for the next day. I put the presents under the tree. I stuffed the stockings, put out a half eaten cookie and milk. Everything. When I went to head up stairs though, the bedroom door was locked.


So I slept in the basement on my old couch. I really messed up. Or more so, Iggy and Martin fucked up by opening their damn mouths about what we discussed when they arrived. Now Helen is really pissed off and I can't really blame her, nor do anything about it. Let's be honest, Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. This morning should be interesting though. If she's still mad at me, Christmas is going to be ruined. I didn't help any though- opening my big yap about how she only likes to have arguments. Really just fucked the pooch on that one. If anything else decides to come out my mouth today- Lord help me, it better not be anything stupid.

Rolling over, I look at the clock on the wall. It's 8:30 and I haven't heard anyone stir upstairs above me. Typically, one can hear everything that happens a floor above, but this morning is silent. Stretching as I sit up, I crack my back and then rise from my seat. Of all the days to feels like shit- why does it have to be on Christmas? My phone rings. My parents. Lovely.

"Merry Christmas!" They yell and I can hear how excited they are- like always. Yet every year, that excitement is laced with sorrow and hides the fact that they are missing my sister. Christmas was her favorite holiday. And it wasn't for the presents or sweet treats. It was the music and the lights and the tree decorated all beautiful. Luna loved Christmas. I was more into Halloween- candy is a good motivator.

"Merry Christmas! How are you both doing?" I ask as I slide into my slippers. They haven't met Helen yet. Don't even know we are dating to be honest. It's not that I don't want them to know Helen, I just don't want them to think I moved on too quickly after Georgia passed. I never even told them about my cancer.As far as I see it, they don't know much about my life like they used too.

"Oh we're great. Hey! I heard a you asked your father for a backing?"


"Yeah, after everything happened with the Dam- some colleagues and I decided to grow our own practice. We don't want to do hospital life again. Not after that."

"Well that's understandable. So are you going to be in charge of this practice as well?" Here we go.

"No, we decided that Dr. Helen Sharpe should be our M.D. She's over qualified and selfless and I think she'll make a great Director." I can hear my mom's disappointment. She can be very...snobbish? Critical? Any other word that pretty much describes a cliche with money. I love her to pieces, but she's not the most welcoming. My dad on the other hand is a bit more understanding of the little things. He sees the whole picture- not just the self benefits.

"Oh, well that sounds like it will be good. Is my favorite grandchild up yet?"

"She's still sleeping I believe."

"Oh, that's too bad."

"So what's new, son?" My dad comes over the speaker and sounds more elated than my mother.

"Well- a few things actually...I moved."

"What!?" My mom buts in.

"Nancy, please don't yell in my ear. It's too early for that."

"What do you mean, you moved?"

"I mean, I have a house now. It's in a nice neighborhood. Spacious backyard for New York City. Close to where I'll be working. Very nice." My mom clicks her tongue against her lips as if prejudging the home she's never seen before.

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