Part 29: What's It Gonna Be?

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It took a few weeks for Max and the others to finally find their own breaths. Coming home from Baptist was probably the hardest thing for Max. He got sick in the cab. We had to keep pulling over so he could make it to a bin. He's been running a fever and has over all just become weakened by everything. He has a tank for now. To help him keep his breaths even. He also has an inhaler, which he hates using- but I force him too.

It wasn't easy. Confronting Vijay. However, he knew before I got there. He thanked me for bringing his granddaughter -Ella Karisha- into this world and trying my hardest to help Ella. He reminded me that all life comes to to an end. That our stories were written before we took our first breaths. Everything happens for a reason. It made me feel a little better. But I still see the mess in my mind.

We watched in tv as they bulldozed and cleared the lot where the Dam stood. They took out the remaining structure that was left and cleared away all the rubble. We all cried that day. New Amsterdam was our home. It's where we felt most comfortable. It's where a lot of us first met.

It's where Max and I first met.

Sitting in bed today, I cuddle close to him and listen to his heart as he breathes in through his mask. They made him bring home that special concoction of oxygen and whatever else they added to it. It is helping though. I've been feeding him nothing but antioxidants and making him drink Green tea- both are supposed to help heal the lungs and body. The dark chili chocolate covered cherries are by far the easiest to persuade him into eating the things he needs.


He looks down at me and rubs my right arm.

"I don't want to go back..." I haven't told him yet a but the day the Dam fell- I decided I was never going back to work in a hospital. I know it's his life. It's what he loves more than anything. More than me even. But I can't do it. I can't go back.

He turns off his mask and looks down at me.

"What do you mean, babe?"

"I mean, I can't go back to working in a hospital. Not after everything that's happened. Almost losing you- swing how damaged it was and how many people lost there lives there- I can't do it. I don't want too." He smiles and kisses my lips. It's taking it rather well. His smile is wider than I expected it to be. He pulls out his phone and dials someone. He puts it on speaker phone and I hear it's Lauren.

"What's up Max?"

"I have a message for you." He says and I look at him curiously.

"Oh yeah? What's that?"

"Helen?" He says and I am so confused.


"What's up woman!" I take a deep breath and stare at the phone.

"Go ahead. Lauren- Helen: of her own free will and own thought process just shared some important news with me." I turn my head. Why is he so happy about this? And why does he want me to tell Lauren?

"Shut up. You're lying."

"Nope. Babe?"

"All I said is that I don't want to go back to working in a hospital again.... what's going on?" I hear Lauren drop some silverware on her counter.

"Shut the fuck the up...Max! fucking asshole!"

"A bets. A bet. You live up to the deal you made. That's all four of them. Read it it and weep!" He hangs up and I look at him curiously.

"What was that about?"

"The day we got rescued and you were asleep, Iggy and I told Lauren we weren't going back to working in a hospital again. She said we were nuts and Iggy and I have a plan to open up our own little urgent care center- private practice sorta thing. We already recruited Kapoor, Candelario, Jessup, and Flores. Bloom said you would say no. We made a bet that if we could get you and the other women to do it- then she'd have to come along as well for the dream team. You just sealed the deal baby. Thank you."

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