Part 24: The Day The Dam Shook

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Mass Chaos!

Left and and right people are being brought in from all exits to get help. So far there's been 20 bombs that went off all over New York City and over 4,000 have been critically injured and nearly double that have passed away. Triaging everyone is hard when I have no beds and very little supplies. The atrium is full of people, laying on what very few blankets we can provide them with. Nurses are dealing with the less serious injuries, while doctors handle the major ones. We've had people coding left and right and have already lost a good 3rd of what came in.

I make my way through the atrium to check on patients and all I can hear is their cries of pain. Most have burns. Some have broken limbs. The serious ones who were close enough to feel the full blast but live through it are having limbs amputated. It's a fucking mess. What's worse is we got word that the City of New York is on lockdown, which means no one is leaving any time soon and no more people are coming in. There's still no leads as to what kind of terrorist group is doing this or why- all we know is that tonight is Hell on Earth.

"Does anyone need anything? How can I help?" I call out and a man raises his hand. I go over to him. "How can I help?"

His pants are torn to shreds and is bleeding quite a bit from what looks like shards of glass being shot into him.

"My legs...they hurt so bad. Can you help?" I nod and reach in my bag that I put supplies in. I take out some alcohol, tweezers and gauze.

"How close we're you?"

"About 10 feet. I was walking by this pub with my friend when one went off. My friend Dan didn't make it. He took most of the glass and blow." I nod and start to sterilize his leg. He winces.

"I'm sorry to hear that. What's you name?"

"Henry. Didn't really want to go out tonight, but Dan said it'd be fun to go bar hopping and meet ladies." I feel sorry for him. He's in his early 20's fit- seems like he has a good head on his shoulders. It's terrible. That this is the society we live in, is where radical people have to kill others for some stupid cause.

"I hope when all this is over, you can put your friend to peace. We'll get through this." I slowly take pieces of glass out of his legs and when I get finished, I bandage him up and give him a pill to take some of the pain way. Heading around I try to see if anyone else needs any more help.

"Excuse me? Are you a doctor here?" A young woman with an infant is sitting against the side of the ramp. The baby is crying, but over all seems fine.

"Yes. I'm Max, how can I help?" She meekly smiles.

"I'm Alice and this is my daughter Bobbie. We were near the blast on Maple and 10th. I think she's just scared, but I was wondering if you could check her over." I smile and look at the baby. She has a few tiny scrapes on her, but nothing too major.

"Were you two out alone?" She shakes her head starts crying. Shit.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Here." I reach in my bag and give her a tissue. "Dr. Frome can come speak with you if you need to talk to someone. He's very good at listening and consoling people."

"Thank's just hard..." I kneel and in front of her and listen. She just needs a friend right now. "My husband, Mark, was a musician and had been through his bouts of drug abuse. He just got his 30 day chip today and wanted to take us out for a thanksgiving dinner....I'm sorry."

She cries harder and I just give her a hug. I feel horrible. I feel good that Helen and Luna are safe, but terrible that other people have gotten so terribly hurt by all this shit.

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