Part 30: New Start

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December 20th 2019

The last three weeks we have not only found a great building to put The Dam Fam Medical Center, but I have also found Helen and I a house close by. She was both excited and concerned about doing too many projects at once. However, I assured her it would be okay. We started moving all of our stuff into the house a few days ago. The location is great, a mile from work and friends, next to a really nice family park, and a small shopping outlet. It's a two story home with a full basement, three bathrooms and three bedrooms with a backyard. Helen was impressed on my find. It fit all of her criteria and the aesthetics of it made her love it even more. Beautiful red siding, front porch, with a porch swing and a small garage for my car and her motorcycle. Setting down the last box in our bedroom, I take five steps and crash to the king size bed. I am whooped. I'm still having breathing issues and all the up and down the stairs and caring boxes is killing me. But I do it all so Helen doesn't have to and stress out. She's already been at the sight working with interior designers to make sure she gets the perfect look for the office. She and Lauren have been looking through swatches while Iggy has been helping her with furniture for the waiting room. Valarie and her had picked out flooring and Casey is helping with exterior paints and landscaping. Flores wanted to be apart of medical supply inventory and Vijay is working with some high friends to get some more funding. All the while I've been moving us. Furniture, boxes, toys, clothes, kitchenware- everything. It's not too horrible with the moving guys, but it's so much. I hear Helen coming up and I quickly sit up in bed and pretend to be on my phone. I don't want her knowing how wiped out I am. I don't want her knowing that I can barely breathe and I feel so weak and tired all the time.

"Babe! You got everything moved already? You are such a man." She comes over and stands between my legs. She runs her hands over my chest and smooths my shirt out. She drapes her hands over my shoulders and I hold her around her torso, pulling her closer to me. "Are you tired?"

"No, just checking to see when that snow storm's supposed to be coming in. Santa Claus is coming to town and Santa still needs to go to the workshop." She kisses my neck and then looks at me.

"You need to take it easy, Mr. Man. You're still not fully healed in your lungs and you've been doing too much as it is."

"I'm fine baby. We needed to get all of this moved and it is." Her hands play in my hair and her eyes scan mine.

"I just want to make sure you're not over doing it. Speaking of which, do you have your inhaler on you?" Fuck that thing.

"Why? Need a puff?" I raise my eyebrows at her and she rolls her eyes.

"No, but you do, wheezy. Come on. Let's have it." Sighing, I pull it out of the bedside drawer and she scowls at me. "That's a great place to have it. Especially when you get stuck half way up the stairs and have an asthma attack."

She takes it and puts it in my mouth. She pushes down on the canister and I hold breathe in the medicine and hold it for a few seconds before releasing.

"There. Not too hard, now is it?" I lay back on the bed and she lets go and stands up. "I don't know why you hate it so much."

"Cause it's stupid." Pouting....I'm pouting like a child. She climbs into bed beside me and lays on the right side of me.

"Oh my baby's a baby." She kisses my neck in between words and rubs her hand over my chest. "You know you're a doctor, right? You know medicine is only helpful if you take it consistently. That's how you get better."

"You know you're mean right?" I smile and she kisses me again.

"That's because I'm your doctor and I need to be."

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