Part 37: Passing Moments We Reminisce

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5 Months Passed

With The Dam Fam Medical up and running officially for the last four months, Max and I are finally feeling our groove coming back. With every new patient and family coming in and receiving treatment, we find another secure foothold in the medical care system. It's reassuring Max everyone is doing their part to make sure that patients are comfortable and cared for from the moment they walk through our doors to the time they leave. I, however am still anxious. I'm 5 months into my pregnancy- a good sign- and running the center like a champ, as everyone says. We've already made ourselves a reputable office and have many families coming back as loyal patrons. It's nice to to feel like we are making a difference and honestly, the hospital life is far behind us.

"Marina? Do you have Mr. Davidson's chart?" I ask as I walk into the office, this morning. Mr. Davidson is my first cancer patient, for the new Center and he is a star in my eyes. Vietnam Vet, citizenship award winner, and had been a volunteer fire fighter for over 30 years. He is a very loveable jokester and I enjoy the mornings he comes in for treatment.

"Oh, yes, right here Dr. Sharpe." She looks good. After the bombings she felt displaced and scared to renter society. I don't blame her. She didn't know what she was going to do for a job. So I reached out to her and gave her the opportunity to come work at our facility on the terms that if she ever feels uncomfortable, she can take a few days to recoup. She so far only took a week altogether and it was only when the media was rehashing the bombing stories. The city started rebuilding a new hospital in place of New Amsterdam. Many have been angered by it- saying it should be a memorial sight, but many insisted that it become a new hospital with a memorial in the middle of it's new atrium. They had been working months on the damn thing and every bit of news coverage it gets only reminds the survivors of the horror that took place there.

Max had quite a few nightmares when he first saw it. Woke him up out of a dead sleep and nearly gave me a heartache from his panicked screams and thrashing. He'd yell out for Valentina to stay with him. He'd nearly be on the floor crying before he woke up. It was horrible.

The new hospital is going to be called the People's Mercy Hospital. Stupid. The design of it is supposed to be an homage to the old Dam and yet be bomb proof? I don't know how that actually works, but apparently they can do that now. It's ridiculous. Beyond ridiculous.

"Hey, Dr. Sharpe?" I turn back towards Marina, who nervously plays with her pen.


"Do you you think this place is safe?" It's the first time she's expressed concern for the Center. She seems pale and near frantic.

"Marina, you have nothing to worry about. I assure you. There is security outside with the metal detector and it's one story. All the doors are locked from the inside so no one can get in and we have security walking the premises constantly.  This box you're in is bullet proof and has fire retardant materials along with a heavy sprinkler system. I assure you, my dear. You are safer in here than you are anywhere else." I give her a hug and she is shaking slightly.  I made sure when designing this building, to take all forms of attack into mind. I wasn't about to put everyone at risk of being harmed or traumatized again. I hired the best security detail in hopes that the mere presence of them would deter any antagonists.

"Thank you....I'm sorry. Dr. Frome says I have PTSD. I hear a car door slam and I'm stuck to the ground for hours in panic." I run her back.

"I know, Max is having the same problems. Terrible night terrors that leave him a wreck. Lauren is also having a hard time of it. Everyone is in the same boat Marina. So don't feel bad. We're all getting through this." I smile and feel her relax a bit. "Do you want Bentley and Luna to come keep you company in here. They may take your mind off of it." She nods and I smile. Heading to my office I grab Luna and open the door, telling Bentley to go find Marina. He instantly races down the hall and to the left and is sitting at her door. For being 5 months old he is already up to my knee, about 40 lbs and super smart. Max has him trained very well in a matter of two months and now he goes everywhere with us. We couldn't have asked for a better dog. He knows everyone in the office by name and smell. He knows all the patients who come in and is an active therapy dog for some of Iggy's classes he performs twice a week. Everyone loves him. Especially Luna. Luna chases after him and is constantly at his side. But don't fuck with Luna. Bentley will protect her no matter what. He thought Max was a stranger coming to pick her up and he ran right into him and pulled him away from her by his pant leg. Didn't hurt him- wouldn't hurt anyone seriously- but made sure he knew not to fuck with his girl. "Alright, Bent- keep 'em safe."

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