Just One Day

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One Year Ago

Jin's POV

Another tiring day of work at the diner, the weather being the only good thing about today's day.

"Spring Season" the season of eternal love and most importantly of hope and that word has kept me going  for years, a hope to have a beautiful life ahead, a hope to fulfill my dreams and a hope of finding the love of my life. With these feelings in my heart and thoughts in my mind I continue to work in the small diner on the busy streets of Seoul.

Jin are you done with today's work? You can go home now you must be tired you did a night shift ,I think you need some rest.

Mrs. Han don't worry I am fine and what harm can a little bit overtime do to me besides I need the money, the more I work the more I earn and the earlier I get my restaurant, I said smiling.

You will soon have one don't you worry I believe in you.

And that was all I needed a little bit of motivation and care to help me get through the day. I smile at her and peck her cheeks and get ready to go back home.

Jin wait I packed some lunch for you take it home and you can easily eat and then get some sleep.

Thank you.

I wear my jacket and prepare to leave the diner. Walking back home amidst the cherry blossoms was a beautiful feeling , it had a calming effect on me and I just felt my fatigue drift away, I stopped in front of the old building that stands at the end of the street from the diner where I work. This very building I am working hard for I stand there staring at it for a few minutes and my eyes fall upon the board hanging at the door knob "For Sale" Suddenly I am pulled out from my reverie with loud screams and shrieks and I see a group of girls chasing a black sedan some were crying some literally throwing roses and various other flowers at it, what was this madness for ?

Maybe some k pop idols car that's what they chase so crazily these saesangs I tell you, said an ahjumma.

Namjoon's POV

Seems like leaving the house has become a curse these saesangs are making life difficult Yoongi Hyung tells me not to pay attention to them, they do all this for it the more we give them attention the crazier they get and I can't help but agree.

Sometimes I miss my rookie days when we weren't that famous , when I could walk around freely without worrying the saesangs chasing me or dispatch reporters trying to get my pictures I could be free but at one time this was what we all had dreams of to become famous so that our words could reach those young hearts like us ,those young minds that think like us. Sometimes I wonder how will they react when I tell them my truth, when I confess my biggest secret will they still love me the same way or all my hard work will be lost in the sea of my confession.

"Namjoon" I am pulled out of my contemplation by Sejin Hyung's voice, we are here let's go and I walk towards our office building. We have our next comeback soon and I am anxious for it we have worked really hard on this one I hope our message reaches to our armies.

Hyung you look tired didn't get sleep last night? said Jungkook walking towards me.

Yes, Kind off haven't been getting much sleep lately, anxious about our comeback also you know how bad I am at cooking just eating cereals and takeaways can take a toll on the health you know.

Namjoonahh I told you come stay with us I don't understand why are you isolating yourself for this comeback, said Hobi walking into the studio with a plate full of pancakes.

Did you cook this for me Hoba? I asked surprised?

Yes, I figured you would walk into the studio with an empty stomach, said Hobi smiling.

What would I do without you?

Probably starve!

Yoongi Hyung just for once say I love you to me, I mean it's too predictable now you know, your gibes at me and the others we know its your indirect confession of love.

He gave me a sarcastic smile and we all got ready for our long day of work.

Namjoon on a serious note, if you have decided to stay alone until the next comeback, I guess you should at least hire a chef, makes things easy you know.

Yoongiiiiahhhhhh saranghaeoo I said with a huge smile.

Aish! it makes me sick stop with that , yoongi said annoyed and we all had a hearty laugh.

Jin's POV

Mr Song is the building still up for sale? you haven't got any buyer, yet right? I asked anxiously to the broker.

I had my fingers crossed this building was my father's dream, i couldn't let it get sold to another ever since i got old enough to earn i have been working hard for this building itself.

No Jin we haven't got any buyers yet; didn't you see the board outside it said for sale and please stop calling me every week and asking about the building. If you have the money come and buy it and if you don't well then forget it.

And just like that he ended the call and i heaved a sigh of relief. I didn't have much time, i guess i needed to find another job that would get me extra money and i would be able to buy it sooner.

I guess i got to go on job hunting , probably a long day yet again tomorrow. 

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