New Beginnings

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Jin's POV

Kim Namjoon! I whisper yelled.

I couldn't believe my eyes it was Kim Namjoon himself he was standing before me with his famous dimpled smile. I was dumbfounded was I hallucinating? How can it be him and if he is here that means the other members are here to? I am in the house of my inspiration, the man I adore and respect. I stood there stupefied when Sejin-ssi tapped my shoulder Jin? You okay?

"Yes, Yes, I am fine I just didn't expect to come to Kim Namjoon's house for a job," I answered feebly.

"Well now that you are here, I can see how surprised you are with your trembling frame" He was beaming and god those dimples were making my insides jitter.

"Come let's talk about the work that you will be doing, have a seat, Seokjin right? I hope I got your name, right?"

I walked towards the couch and sat there nervously, he looked me up and down and spoke again, you seem really tensed, ease up I don't bite.

I looked at him and blushed god why was he being so sweet, He was just like the tabloids had mentioned simple, sweet and a caring young man. His personality never gave off any starry attitude, he was too good to be true , am I really dreaming? like Namjoon is right here in front of me , he has been my crush ever since the debut and he turns out to be just like I imagined him to be, I guess I need to calm myself down before I start hyperventilating.

"It's just I seriously did not expect to land up here, I mean I saw the advertisement and there were no details mentioned to be honest I was a bit worried because of it and I was wondering who could it be and then the address being Hannam-dong , but I desperately needed this job so I did not pay much attention and I came here", I mentally cursed myself for saying what I had just said ,I sound so desperate I cannot behave like that but at the moment my mind had seriously stopped functioning.

He looked at me and gave me a brief smile, Jin are you an army?

"Yes, but I am not like those crazy Saesangs I really respect and admire you and I understand your privacy I do not chase you around or stalk you like them , I swear I absolutely love your music and it helps me get through my bad days". I spoke nervously.

"I figured you are a true army by your behavior don't worry I am not accusing you of anything like that, Since you are an army you already know how bad I am with cooking so that is the reason why I need a chef I have been living here alone until the next comeback, All the members and hyung felt its not healthy for me to eat takeaways regularly so they came up with this idea. Are you up for being my chef, I am aware you have a job at the diner but we can figure something out, if you want you can quit it and I can compensate the money easily?" He said

"Umh, I would love to take up the job you are offering sir but I cannot quit the diner, you see I have been working with them since I was old enough to start working. Mr and Mrs. Han have helped me a lot, I can work something out, the diner opens at 10 in the morning I can come here by 8 prepare your breakfast, pack a lunch for you and go to the diner. My shift there gets done by 6 in the evening, so I can directly come here at your place and make dinner for you, I think that can easily work out".

Hmm, He simply nodded. "Okay then Seokjin shall we discuss your pay then; I am not good at all this Sejin hyung can handle that".

I have to ask him now what more can he do, he will probably say no but I should at least try because at the moment he is my only hope and I have a feeling he will help me.

"Namjoon, I mean sir I actually wanted a favor I would be highly grateful if you would accept it", I was trembling at the moment.


"Umh, Sir I, I actually", I was stuttering

"Seokjin, what is it?" You can say it.

"Can you lend me 10 million wons", I blurted out.

He looked shocked, he looked from me to Sejin as if saying did you just hear the same thing as I did.

Before he could speak, I cut him off.

"Sir actually I really need the money, I need the money to fulfill my father's dream, Mr Song is selling the building in 3 days he told me if I have 10 million wons within 3 days only then he will sell it to me. You already know I am a small chef working in a humble diner I have been saving up the money to buy that building for years ever since I got old enough to earn but I still haven't managed to collect the required money. That building is my father's dream, he always dreamt of opening a restaurant in that building itself but he didn't live long enough to fulfill it. I want to fulfill that dream for him, its my dream too, please sir I am desperate please lend me the money. I promise you I will return it to you, you can cut it from my salary or I can pay it back to you in installments. I promise you trust me; I will return it to you". I was crying by the end of it my eyes were filled with tears and I was vigorously trying to wipe them away.

"Seokjin don't cry, I understand, I can see how important that building is to you. Don't worry I will pay you the money and you can payback the money once you have the amount," He said smiling.

He had agreed, I looked at him with a tear stained face I couldn't believe it he had actually agreed to pay me the money. I could get my father's restaurant soon.

"Thank you so much sir, I won't let you down I will surely payback the money. I promise."

"Hyung could you give Seokjin the money? You can handle all this better. I will see you tomorrow then."

"Yes, thank you so much again sir you don't know how much this means to me. I am really grateful to you."

"It's alright I know how important dreams are and If I could help someone fulfill there's nothing can give me more happiness than that." He had a genuine smile on his face, it was so beautiful, this man was truly the most humble and sincere human I had met till now. He had saved me from the worst horror of my life.

A few hours later

Namjoon's POV

I could smell delicious home cooked food in my pad, it had been years since such an aroma had filled my nostrils, it made me miss my oemma's cooking. I walked out from my studio to the living area , Sejin hyung was sitting on the couch with his laptop.

"Hyung you ordered dinner already?" I asked.

"Order food? when? I did not order any food Namjoonahh," He answered slightly confused.

"Well what's with the smell then I can surely smell some good home cooked food in here."

"Oh that, well that's your dinner Seokjin cooked it for you before leaving, He also said he will be here tomorrow morning at 8 sharp."

I walked into the kitchen to see my dinning table neatly laid with a huge pot in the center and smaller ones next to it. Also, on the lid of one of them was a sticky note which said "Consider this as a big thank you for the money, I will work diligently and cook delicious food for you. Please enjoy your dinner, I will see you tomorrow. Goodnight".

I found myself smiling at the cute note, He definitely had a cute side to him for sure. I can't wait to get to know you Kim Seokjin.

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