Come Back home

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Namjoon's POV

I silently entered the house with the aroma of tofu stew in the air it reminded me of Jin's cooking and the thought of him brought back the memories of the past 24 hours. I walked towards the living room to see Jin asleep on the couch while Jiwon hyung sat at the coffee table lost in thoughts.

Hi hyung, I softly spoke.

Namjoon! Hi, Jiwon hyung whispered, Jin just fell asleep he had been waiting for you but I guess he was tired.

It's alright, did you guys eat dinner?

Not yet actually I was making dinner for all of us but Jin fell asleep and he seemed to be tired so I didn't wake him up, that also reminds me where is Sejin? He asked.

Uh yeah Sejin hyung said he had to buy some medicines for Jin, you had messaged him so he dropped me home, he will be here in a few minutes.

As if on cue there was a knock on the door and I opened the door to see Sejin hyung standing there Namjoon here are the medicines, I am in a bit of hurry Pd-nim has called Jiwon and i, he spoke breathlessly.

I felt a tingling sensation in my stomach thinking this was about Jin and me.

Jiwon hyung walked towards the door in a rush stopping by my side the food is ready Joon you can have it now before it turns cold, take care we are just a call away if you ever need anything and take care of Jin, he patted my shoulder slightly.

After bidding them goodbye I walked back to my Jin, seeing him sleeping on the couch broke my heart, he looked so small and vulnerable, he had faced so much just in a day and for what? Just for loving me! I picked him up and carried him to our room so that he could sleep comfortably. As we lay on the bed, I held him in my arms gently caressing his face, it broke my heart to see him this way, the bandage around his forehead, his bruised lip, his slightly bluish cheeks all these reminded me of the horrors he faced at the hands of my so-called fans, why? why did those saseng's do this to him? What did they get out of hurting the one I love, if they say they love me so much then why hurt the one I love, won't that hurt me? As I lay caressing his face Jin stirred in his sleep slowly opening his drowsy eyes to look at me Hey baby, I smiled at him gently pecking his forehead.

Hii, he smiled at me wearily.

How do you feel now? I gently asked while continuing to caress his cheeks softly.

Physically I am better but mentally I am not, he sniffled as he took a deep sigh and it made me realise just how foolish my question was.

I pulled him in my arms and nuzzled my face in his soft brown locks, breathing his soft and sweet scent trying to calm myself slowly realising my shirt was becoming wet with his silent sobs , I gently caressed his locks, Jin I am sorry, I am sorry you had to suffer because of me, I am sorry I could do nothing to protect you, I am sorry I cannot even own up that you are the love of my life. I feel terrible I am sorry I hurt you the most.

He looked up at me with his tear stained cheeks as he tried to give me a smile which did not reach his red-rimmed eyes, he gave me a small peck as he placed his palms on both sides of my face Its okay Joonie, its not your fault why are you apologising for something which isn't even in your hands, I know this was as hard for you as it was for me. In fact, I should apologise for creating this mess not only you but the other members and the company also suffered so much because of me, He sheepishly confessed.

Love its neither of our fault, I guess this was just destined like we were destined to meet and fall in love, its just a setback in our path for an everlasting love we shall overcome it, kissing his forehead I hugged him tighter as if my life depended on it.

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