A Brand-New Day

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Namjoon's POV

In a different time and place if we meet again as characters of a story, would you choose me then?

I get up with a jerk, again the same dream why do I always get this one I can never see his face and he always seems to say the same words. What did it mean? Was this really a dream or an intuition, I can never seem to decipher.

I decide to get my mind off it by working out for some time probably once I get tired, I will end up falling asleep again. As I get up to walk towards the living room my phone starts ringing, Sejin Hyung?

Namjoon I have put up an online advertisement for a personal chef for you.

I was shocked why would he do that I don't want crazy saesangs coming over to my house for a job as I know for a sure they would do that to get close to me, I calm myself down and speak to Hyung.

Hyung do you really think this is safe? I mean I don't think any genuine person would come for this job they would all come on the pretext of being a chef but wanting to meet me.

I didn't put any details related to you Namjoon so don't get worried I just put in that a young working man needs a good chef and the salary can be as per the requirements of the applicant and I also mentioned "Preferably Males". So, this solves our problem and once we meet the person applying, we can always talk to him about the situation and the privacy so don't get worried.

After hearing all this I felt better well hyung would definitely have thought over it I mean he is always more concerned for our safety more than we all are. Okay hyung I guess you know it better, let me know if something happens goodnight then.

Jin's POV

I was preparing my dinner mindlessly my thoughts drifting away to the conversation I had with Mr Song, where would I get a job and how will it work out, I spend my entire time working in the diner sometimes I even do late night shifts ,how will I fit another job in my already packed schedule, I was lost in my thoughts when my phone started ringing I looked to see who the caller was and immediately had a smile on my face.

Oemma wassup? I said waiting for the chiding I am about to receive from her.

Yah! What am I your girlfriend, your best friend I am your mother what is the meaning of this wassup? Don't you think you should stop using that English slang with me.

Arasso I was just kidding we stay away from each other I don't get to hear your playful chiding often so you can consider this as my way of getting to hear that.

She laughed and it just made my night better to hear my mother's hearty laughter after appa's death it has only been the two of us I still remember how she worked hard to give me the best of everything. She always supported me no matter what the situation was when I told her about my dream to be a chef to open a restaurant like appa wanted she was delighted. Her friends, our neighbors everyone taunted her about it some said that she was wasting her life away working hard for a son like me who wanted to be a mere chef but my mother never paid heed to them she always said " Seokjinnah remember people will always put you down, they will always mock you for your dreams but that should never stop you from achieving them, maybe the path towards our dreams can be a longer one, full of trials and tribulations but at the end of it there is always the success we desired. I am always with you in all the walks of life we both are each other's strength"

So, how's work at the diner going? my mom asked pulling me out of my reverie

Well the usual same old customers, same old orders, sometimes new customers and the constant bickering of Mr. and Mrs. Han I sighed.

Don't worry Jinnah soon you will have your own restaurant and you will be happily boasting about your days to me.

Oemma I don't know I think I need to find another job; I need more money if I need to buy that building soon. I don't trust Mr. Song he might just end up selling it to any buyer it doesn't mean much to him but you know how much it means to us.

Don't worry son things will work out soon, I am praying for you always.

Yes, Oemma I got to go now need to have dinner, I'll call you later.

I sit down on my study table scrolling through the job options that turned up on my screen for a chef and suddenly my eyes stop at one it said

"A good Chef needed for young working man; salary can be as per the requirements of the applicant (Preferably Male)."

I scrolled down to the contact details and decided to call right away, this was what I needed I could ask them for a salary as per my requirements and soon buy the building.

After a few rings a man picked up the call, hello who is it?

Hello sir I am Kim Seokjin I came across the online advertisement you have put up for a chef preferably male, I wanted to know if I could apply for the job.

He paused for a bit and then replied Ah, Yes, I have well it isn't for me its for my boss could you come to meet us, we can have an interview and can decide on the details of the job?

I was internally screaming I couldn't believe it he had actually agreed, yes sir of course please let me know when and where am i supposed to come, I will be there.

Great tomorrow is Sunday if you aren't busy, we can meet tomorrow itself?

Yes, sir no problem at all I said excitedly

Okay then I will message you the address and details if you get stuck you can call me on this number.

Okay sir, Thank you so much for this.

I was screaming , I couldn't believe it I finally found a job I know for sure tomorrow will be a great day I can handle the interview probably they will ask me my personal details and a little about my work and if they ask me about cooking something for a demo , well I have got it I can surely enthrall them with my cooking.

With this I decided to sleep as I had a very important day tomorrow, I looked at the picture of my dad besides my bed side table, Appa just a few more steps away from getting our restaurant, keep on looking after me like this. I love you and miss you.

I hope tomorrow is the beginning of a brand-new day in my life. I have my fingers crossed.

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