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Jin's POV

"I was 12 when I first came here and appa and I had a small picnic in this park," Namjoon and I were seated on the lush green grass of the park overlooking the Han river.

"It's a beautiful place, I come here often sometimes alone, sometimes with Jimin it makes me relaxed and feel at peace, Oh! I want to do one thing, let's do it together, what say? "He said with excitement in his eyes.

I looked at him bewildered what did he want to do here and now "umh okay but what?" I asked confused.

In an instant he was on his back sprawled across the lush green grass looking at me with child-like innocence in his eyes, "Come on Jin , Lay down with me let's watch the night sky together, it looks beautiful , this is what I often do when I come here alone," I couldn't help but smile he was just too cute at the moment and I too joined him looking at the beautiful night sky, for a few minutes we both lay there silently not a word shared between us, looking at the shinning stars covering the night sky.

"When I was younger my appa always said when our loved ones die they become a star and always look down on us every night, He told me god does it so that whenever we miss those who we lost we can always look at the night sky and remember them, feel their presence around us. As a kid it was hard to believe I found it really funny but after losing appa it has been this belief that has helped me in my hardest times, whenever I missed him the most I always found myself looking up at the night sky looking at the brightest star which I believed is my appa," I said with unshed tears brimming in my eyes. He looked at me with a sad expression I could see he could feel my emotions.

"Is that your dad?" he suddenly spoke pointing towards the star,"the one shinning the most? "he asked i smiled through my tears and answered "Yes that's my appa."

"Jin what was your father's name? "He asked

"Kim Dae Hyun," I answered

Namjoon suddenly sat up and kept looking at the star , a small smile crept up on his lips as he said "Hello Mr Kim Dae Hyun , I am Kim Namjoon , I am the leader of this famous boy-band called BTS , you must have heard of us I guess, I am your son's friend and I am grateful he joined me today for this unplanned night rendezvous , I assure you I will drop your son home safely before it gets too late and I also promise you I will never break our friendship, I won't let anything affect it, he is a wonderful young man who has been working so hard at such a young age to fulfill his and your dreams, I am sure you must be proud of him," He looked at me and smiled and then looked back at the night sky I just want you to bless our friendship and look after us always like you have been looking after Jin ,similarly look after the two of us and our friendship," after he was done he lay back down on the grass I was looking at him with silent tears , was this a confession or what was it ? I was so confused, my heart was pounding in my chest, was this really Kim Namjoon saying all these things about me.

"Jin? are you okay?" He asked which shook me out of my reverie.

"Y-Yeah, I-I am Fine," I said stuttering

"I am sorry if you found this weird but I want to say something to you Jin" he suddenly pulled me back to lay down next to him and we both were turned towards each other looking into each other's eyes, "I know it's a bit early and its only been a few months that we have known each other but I like you, I sincerely like you Jin with all my heart , it might sound cliched to you but I actually started liking you since the first day we met and slowly as we got to know each other my feelings grew and became serious. I know its really sudden and shocking for you, I didn't even ask you whether you like me or not, whether you already are in a relationship, I just"- even before he finished, I cut him off

"I like you," almost immediately I covered my mouth with my hands after confessing my true feelings.

He just looked at me and smiled, "it must be really shocking for you, I know my sudden confession has taken you aback but if you could please give me a chance I am serious about my confession and my feelings for you are real, "he had a desperate look on his face and his eyes were as if pleading to me.

"N-Namjoon , I-I don't know , I mean I am just a mere chef who works for you and I-I," I was speechless I did like him but I was scared , I knew he wasn't lying , I knew every single word he said was true but I was frightened of the outcome of this relationship.

"Jin suddenly he cupped my cheeks and turned my face towards him , trust me I know you are scared I can see it in your eyes but I promise you won't regret it , I seriously like you please give us a chance and I will make sure you won't regret it, Okay let me ask you again" He looked down for a second composing himself and then looked back at me again my face cupped in his hands and I could see his dimpled smile , his eyes were so beautiful at this moment it was as if I could see the sincerity of his confession in it, "Kim Seokjin would you please be my boyfriend and give me a chance to make you happy? "His pure intentions were radiating from his eyes with that dimpled smile and even without stuttering which was a common habit for me when I got nervous, i smiled at him with my cheeks tinted in a shade of pink and answered him-


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