Black Sea

35 3 8

Namjoon's POV

The new album was out and appreciations were pouring from all over the world but what mattered to all of us was our Armies loved it. We could see their love on social media and how much the songs meant to them which was giving us immense happiness.

I wanted to relieve all my stress and what better way then to go cycling down the Han river with my Seokjin, as the morning rays slowly seeped into our bedroom Jin's beautiful face looked ethereal with the golden glow of the morning light. I lay there admiring his features and mindlessly caressing his cheeks when he stirred and began to wake up, his swollen lips with a pout, puffy eyes which were still drowsy with sleep and his messy bed hair just seeing him like this made me feel relaxed.

"Good Morning Joonie", he spoke in hoarse voice.

"Good morning love", I answered and slightly moved his brown bangs covering his forehead aside and continued to caress his cheeks.

"Why are you looking at me like that"? He asked.

"Because I want to", I cheekily answered.

He pulled the blanket over himself to cover his blushing face and I tried to pull it down while he continued with his whiny voice "Stop it Joonie, I am shy".

We lay there laughing and goofing for another hour when Jin finally decided to get up "Come on let's have breakfast now, it's too late, I know it's a lazy day but we need to eat", He tried to pull me out of the bed.

"Can we go on a date today"? I asked.

Jin was stupefied with my request but he had an instant smile on his face soon and said "Yes let's go tonight".

"Not tonight, right now", I said pulling him on my lap so that he could straddle me.

"Now? You mean during the day? Joonie we cannot, what if dispatch spots us? We can be in trouble"? I could see Jin was beginning to get nervous and I tried to caress his side gently to calm him down.

"Don't worry love we will be wearing masks besides if someone recognizes me and asks about us I will simply say we are best friends, You don't need to get worried ,I just want to go and spend the entire day with you doing everything that a normal couple does, Don't you want that too"? I asked looking into his eyes with an intense but a calming look.

"Of course, I do, I just don't want you to get into trouble because of me", He sheepishly spoke.

"Don't worry I won't, now let's have breakfast and get ready", I spoke while kissing his forehead.

Jin's POV

Namjoon and I decided to go to Lotte world at first, he was apprehensive because there would be many people around and he wanted to be in some peaceful place but as soon as we entered, I guess it was the winds of the place which gave an adrenaline rush to Joonie too.

I somehow convinced him to wear a koala headband at first, he was whining saying "love, I am going to look like a retard wearing a headband on a cap, Kids wear it Jin "but eventually he gave in when I gave him my forlorn face and pout. As we walked around the place, going on every ride possible it was like a dream come true for me. All my life I had only imagined such scenarios, that maybe one day I would go on a date with the love of my life to Lotte world, Sunghoon would always laugh at me whenever he asked me about my wildest fantasy and I spoke about this dream of mine, he would often say "Jin this is not what you call a fantasy, I meant something else" but I would always ignore his taunts for me this was my fantasy, my dreams whatever you may call it.

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