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Jin's POV

"Seokjin do you know something about food, it brings people together from all walks of life and brings smiles on their faces. Good food and good company make remarkable memories and that is why I have a dream of opening a restaurant where people from all over South- Korea will come and have a taste of our food."

As I stood before the building, I had envisioned of buying ever since I got old enough, I had tears in my eyes all my father's words started ringing in my ears, all the dreams he spoke about came back to me. Finally, I could call it my own.

"Seokjin? Finally, the building is yours" said Mr. Song.

"Yes, finally" I replied beaming.

"I know its not my business to ask but where did you get the money from?" He inquired.

"Why do you want to know where I got the money from? I gave you the money that's all you needed" I answered annoyed.

"I hope you haven't got yourself a sugar daddy because only then you could get such a huge amount of money within a short period of time," he smirked.

I was furious now; he was outright insulting me without knowing anything about me or my life.

"Well listen here Mr Song you have no right to speak to me like that! You wanted me to give you the required amount of money for the building, I have already given you that so would you please leave my property now and I don't want to see you here ever again, unless it is required" I sternly spoke.

With that he walked away reluctantly. It was a good day today and I did not want it to get ruined. I removed the placard that was hanging on the door knob and walked inside the building, it was a dusty old building with cobwebs all over but all that did not matter to me because at the moment it was the most beautiful place to me. As I was wandering around the old place, I heard a soft voice speak.

"A table for two please."

I turned around to see my Oemma standing at the entrance with my best friend Sunghoon. I rushed towards her and engulfed her into a hug.

"Oemma what are you doing here? I never knew you were coming"  I asked surprised.

"How could I not come when my son has finally fulfilled his dreams. I am so proud of you Seokjinnah, I just knew it that you would succeed and today you have done that, I am so proud of you my son" She had happy tears by now.

"I am so happy right now Oemma this all that we had dreams of, appa must be so proud of us, there's still a long way to go but baby steps and the first step is complete" I squealed.

"Aish, I am done with the two of you and your emotional melodrama, we need to drink soju and eat meat today it's time to celebrate" Sunghoon was yelling by now.

"Yah! What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Jinnah how can you be so mean to your best friend as soon as you told me you had brought the building, I informed ahjumma and we both took the first train from Jeju to Seoul. Before you ask me, what am I doing in Jeju I am working in your family tea house and helping ahjumma." He said

He indeed was my best friend I remember he was talking about how my mother is getting old and she needed help but I couldn't believe it that he would actually go all the way to Jeju to help her out. Sunghoon has been my best friend since we were in culinary school and he is a talented chef to, he was working with one of the biggest restaurant chains in Seoul but he always wanted a simple life, that is why he would pester me he wanted to work in my family tea house but i guess now he finally fulfilled his wish , besides my mother indeed was getting old there were times i would call her to inquire about her health and she would end up lying to me about it because she didn't want me to leave Seoul and come back to Jeju in her defense she always had the same answer  "I wouldn't do the same thing to you as your grandfather did to your father, i want to see you fulfilling your and our dreams", and i could never answer that ,she loved me way too much.

"Ihope we didn't loose out on our loyal customers Oemma," I laughed.

"No, No Sunghoon is an amazing chef and he has been such a great help; his new dishes have added on to our menu and its complimenting with the taste of people extremely well. I am glad I have two sons now," Said Oemma smiling.

I could see the happiness in my oemma's, eyes today was indeed a beautiful day, the day we had been waiting for years. I still had to work really hard because the interiors , the menu ,staff and various other things were yet to be done to make my restaurant functional and for that I needed more money, but I wasn't much worried now since I no longer feared of losing the building and for that I had Namjoon to thank.

"Seokjinnah I trust you completely my son but I still have a question about where you got all the money from because as far as I remembered you were still saving money for the building and you spoke about getting another job to get extra money , so how did you get this money within such a short period of time." My mother was hesitant asking me this.

"Oemma don't worry I am not doing anything wrong, I got a new job and I asked my boss to lend me this money when I discovered that Mr Song was selling it within three days I practically pleaded him to lend me the money and I would return it to him in installments and he was kind enough to accept my request," I answered smiling.

"But who is this boss? He lent you so much money on the first day itself that to if I am not mistaken you had visited him for the interview, right?" Sunghoon inquired.

"Okay this is a secret; I am supposed to keep this as one and I request you both to do the same it's a matter of his privacy and security," I said.

"Jin you are scaring me, just who are you working for? Is he some mafia?" Sunghoon worriedly asked.

"No, Sunghoon get out of your k-drama fantasies, its Kim Namjoon of BTS," I blurted out.


"Calm down Sunghoon even I  myself didn't know ,I too found out  when I visited his place for the interview,he seems to have shifted to a new place and will be staying there until the next comeback I guess he needed some alone time, so he needed a chef," I calmly answered them. 

"Ah! But that is so cool I mean damn you are the personal chef of Kim Namjoon well that is some k-drama content, you will be working for your crush.,"He was smirking at me now.

"Yah! Shut your mouth!" I was blushing how could he say something like that in front of my Oemma.

My mom was smiling at me I guess she somehow knew about my sexual orientation and was okay with it, that is the reason why I love her more she is so supportive and understanding.

"I guess we should celebrate now this calls for some Soju and lots of meat," I squealed.

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