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Namjoon's POV

"When I sleep, I dream of you"

I couldn't sleep last night my mind wandering off to the conversation I had with Seokjin, there was something in him that pulled me towards him.

I could never get enough of him it's as if I always wanted him to be around me, I felt this strange connection with him which I did not have words to describe. I got the same dream again last night. It was him again, I couldn't see his face but I could hear all that he said especially when he said "When I sleep, I dream of you".

I was so lost in my thoughts that I did not hear the doorbell and suddenly the constant ringing of it got me out of my reverie, I dashed towards my entrance and when I opened, I saw a flustered Seokjin standing there with fear evident in his eyes.

Jin's POV

I had been ringing Namjoon's doorbell for the past half an hour but he still had not opened the door, I was beginning to get worried by now. At first, I thought he must be in the bathroom or probably taking a shower but soon my fear started consuming me and I had all sorts of frightening thoughts coming to my mind. What if something bad happened to him? I was constantly pressing his doorbell and was about to call manager Sejin when the door opened and Namjoon was standing before me slightly panting.

"Where were you? I freaked out Namjoon I thought something happened to you, I was about to call manager Sejin!" I was yelling at him by now. He smiled sheepishly and answered.

"Jin I am extremely sorry I was actually, I was lost in thoughts and I really didn't pay attention to the ringing of the doorbell; I am sorry I didn't mean to frighten you," He smiled awkwardly.

"It's alright, please don't do this again, I have a weak heart I might end up getting a heart attack someday" I smiled nervously at him.

Namjoon's POV

He nervously smiled at me and I won't lie my heart did something at that small smile from him, lately I had been feeling this way around him and I had no answer for it. I decided to push my fears aside and approach him and at least ask him out. It can be a date but I won't say it that way to him seeing how flustered he gets at things, I decided to call it a hang out between two friends.

"Umh, Jin, so? are you busy today?"

"No, it's Sunday I have an off from the diner, Why do you ask?"

"Actually, I was thinking of going to the han river for a casual stroll or cycling would you like to join me?" I nervously asked.

His eyes widened in surprise and it seems as if he couldn't find any words to answer.

"Well actually I usually go there with Jimin when we really need some fresh air but he seems to be busy today ," I was lying through my teeth now I pray that Jimin doesn't end up calling me out of nowhere because that would totally ruin my plan and reveal my lie , "So I thought I could ask you to join me since it's Sunday and I figured maybe you might have a day off, but if you are uncomfortable or already have plans it's completely fine." I was silently praying he accepts it because I really wanted to go with him and spend some time outside the four walls of my house with him by my side.

He was looking down at the floor and fingers fidgeting, I could see he is nervous and taken aback, finally he looked up and gave me a small smile.

"Okay! let's go"

Later that evening

Jin's POV

After Namjoon asked me to join him for an evening stroll at the han river, I came back home to get ready well course after preparing his breakfast and lunch. Surprised was not even the word, I was dumbfounded when he asked me to join him today never in my wildest dreams had I thought I will go to the Han river with my crush. I quickly took a shower and got dressed in casual clothes since I didn't own any expensive ones as I was always on a strict budget when it came to my expenses, my dream restaurant was always my top priority.

We had decided to meet on the Han river bridge and we would casually stroll around the area then hang out in one of the parks next to it. It was already 6:30 in the evening by the time I left home, we had decided to meet at 7 since it would get a bit dark and it would be easier for us to go unnoticed. I took the subway to reach the river and by the time I reached it was almost 7pm, I looked around but there was no sign of Namjoon. I was looking around nervously it wasn't the first time I was hanging out with a friend but it indeed was the first time I was hanging out with a celebrity and that to Kim Namjoon himself , I bet so many guys and girls would kill to be in my place right now even end up killing me if they have to. I pushed such thoughts aside and stood there patiently waiting for Namjoon to show up when suddenly I felt a warm hand being placed on my shoulder and I turned around to lock eyes with the one I was waiting for "Namjoon".

"Namjoon, hi" I smiled.

"Hi Jin did I make you wait long? I am Sorry I was just to caught up in what to wear and how to cover myself up trying to find the right mask and cap but then I settled for a beanie and a mask because the beanie could easily cover my hair. You won't believe it; I was actually considering wearing dark shades to cover my eyes but then I felt it would get to obvious that I am trying to hide myself, so I dropped that idea," there it was his cute dimpled smile as he nervously scratched the back of his head and seeing him like that, I couldn't help but smile.

Namjoon's POV

"So, I dropped that idea" I sheepishly said and nervously started scratching the back of my head and he smiled that beautiful smile making his eyes look like the shape of crescent moon, I couldn't help but stare at him in awe.

"It's alright I can understand how difficult it gets for you" as soon as he finished that sentence, I saw him searching for something in the pocket of his large over-sized hoodie and he took out a mask, I looked at him with a raised brow.

"What is that for?" I asked confused

"Well a mask to give you company, why should you be the only one wearing it and also if both of us wear it then people will be less suspicious, they will think we are just a normal couple trying to hide our face," He smiled.

"Couple" That word gave me a tingling sensation in my body, did he feel the same way as I did, was he feeling the same way as I was? Even before I could ask him, he nervously stuttered.

"I...I m-meant f-friends, just t-two friends wearing a mask and strolling around the Han river, I don't know why I said c-couple, I am sorry I guess it was a s-slip of tongue I didn't mean it," he stuttered.

His face was flushed in a shade of pink, I could see he was getting nervous he started playing with the hem of his hoodie and was looking down at the ground.

All I could do was smile, I guess this was going to be a fun night something I had been looking forward to for days. 

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