Love Maze

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Jin's POV

Darkness all I saw was darkness my vision slowly adjusting to the lack of light around me, fear crept inside me and all I wanted was to see a dim ray of light to give me assurance that I was alright, how did I end up here? Wasn't I at home, sleeping in my bed, cuddled with Namjoon, how did I end up here? My insides were trembling and I wanted to get out and suddenly I bumped into someone's back and when that person turned around it was Namjoon?

"Joonie what are we doing here? Where are we?" He didn't utter a word all I could see was a spotlight on his face and Namjoon stood there frozen like a statue, that usual glint in his eyes, the curved smile with dimples there was nothing just a my Joonie with an inscrutable expression.

"Joonie? Why aren't you answering me? Namjoon are you okay?" I held his shoulders and began to shake him but he didn't even flinch.

"Jin I am leaving you, we were never meant to be, I can't be with you, I am sorry," with that he turned and began walking away as I stood there horrified, He was leaving me? This can't be Namjoon, he promised he would never leave me, he said he loved me, he said he meant it and with that in mind I began calling out to him.

Namjoon ,please don't go, please don't leave me, you promised, don't l-leave me alone, N-Namjoon, I was running behind his retreating figure but no matter how fast I ran I could not catch up with him even though he was simply walking and suddenly all I could see were blinding lights more like flashes of Cameras and I was surrounded by unknown faces , their mic and Cameras shoved in my faces ,their words incorrigible as I felt myself drowning in the ocean of Paparazzi, Namjoon's figure seemed distant to me as I tried pushing through the crowd I was stuck in , my voice calling out his name with desperation but it was unheard to him as he slowly disappeared from my sight and I felt myself being pushed into a blackhole with darkness enshrouding me.

Namjoon!! I woke up screaming and panting, I saw Namjoon sitting next to me with a concerned look on his face, worry etched all over him.

Jin are you okay? What happened? I was so worried about you, you were crying in your sleep, I tried waking you up but you didn't get up, what happened are you okay?

I couldn't answer him back, I was so overwhelmed with my emotions that I began sobbing uncontrollably "N-Namjoon, I-I, D-don't leave me, P-please, P-promise me you won't," I spoke as I cried uncontrollably with my face shoved in his chest.

"Jin why are you saying such thing? I will never leave you, You know that right, I love you way too much, I cannot live without you ,why would I think of leaving my whole world, Please baby stop crying I hate seeing you cry, it breaks my heart," He caressed my back gently drawing invisible circles at it. He pulled me away from his chest and cupped my face, wiping my tear stained cheeks and looked at me with a loving expression, "Baby what happened? Was it a nightmare?" He gently asked.

"I had a terrible nightmare you broke up with me and walked away, I kept calling for you but you didn't turn and then I was surrounded by Paparazzi and it all went dark, it was so scary Joonie I thought I was going to die, it hurt so much that weird feeling is still lingering in my chest and I still feel uneasy," I said in a whisper.

"Well that certainly was a nightmare and will always be one because you cannot get rid of me that easily, I am never ever leaving you," He spoke and pulled me into his arms giving me a tight hug, "now let's have some breakfast Sire! Shall we, Royal Chef Namjoon at your service," he wiggled his eyebrows funnily as I broke away from the hug to look at him.

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