My Love

48 6 17

One week later

Jin's POV

It was finally the day of the concert and nervousness was eating me. Namjoon had called me early morning to inform me Sejin hyung would be picking me up for the venue. I was freaking out because all I could think of was what if some dispatch reporters see us? All these thoughts had preoccupied my mind and  before I could get further lost in my thoughts, I heard my doorbell ring and I knew it would be Sejin hyung, I picked up the necessary things I needed and walked towards the door.

"Hey Jin all set for today?" He asked with a smile on his face.

"Good morning Hyung, yes, I am ready shall we go?" I answered.

"Yes of course Namjoon is waiting for you, he has been so restless since last night I guess he called me after every one hour to ask about today's schedule," he spoke as we walked towards the van.

"I am sorry on his behalf he must be nervous;" I shyly spoke.

"No it's okay I found it cute and he is our lover boy after all , well seokjin don't tell him  I told you it's a band and my thing we all tease him ever since he has started dating you, we call him our lover boy," Sejin hyung spoke with a smile.

As soon as I heard it, I blushed profusely, well I was going to meet them all today and, in all honesty, I was a bit frightened because they maybe Joonie's friends but for me they are still BTS members ,the men I have always watched on television but today I am personally going to be meeting them and all of this was so overwhelming I was scared and I hope I do not pass out from the anxiety of meeting them.

On the way to the concert venue I received a message from Joonie asking me when I will be there and I could see he was far more excited for today than I was ,the thought of it made me smile as I looked out of the car windows with the passing streets and the people busy with their daily lives it made me drift into my thoughts just how a few months ago I was a simple 23 year old trying to make ends meet and fulfill my father's and my dream but today even though my struggles are the same I have someone who I can hold onto amidst all the chaos in my life , someone whose shoulders I can keep my head on when I am just tired and want nothing more to sit together in silence, someone whose arms I can run into after a hectic day and someone whose hands I can hold and walk through the struggles of life and I utter a silent prayer that we stay together forever even though seasons change , I desperately hope our love does not. The car stopped and I realized I was at the destination and my heart started racing , suddenly all I wanted was Namjoon to be here right next to me so that I can hold his arm and feel the warmth and comfort I needed, It sounded funny to my best friend Sunghoon that even though Joonie and I had only been dating for a few months and were able to spend only a little time together before he had to leave for the concert tour, how was our bond still so strong ?he always said you guys behave like you have been married for years , the way you talk to each other even though its through video calls but you can sense each other's shift in the attitude, concerns and illness and I always had the same answer to his questions because maybe we are fated to be , like soulmates we have a platonic bond. I took deep breaths and decided to follow Sejin hyung while mentally preparing myself that everything would be fine.

Namjoon's POV

I was pacing across our artist room waiting for Jin to arrive, I knew he would be really nervous at the moment since all this was new to him and I know how nervous and frightened he would be at the moment and how much he needed me.

"Joon he won't reach here faster by you pacing around the room," said Yoongi hyung.

"I know hyung I am just anxious," I answered still pacing around.

"Sejin hyung will get him here safely, so just sit down and relax we don't want you getting exhausted before the show begins," Hobi spoke.

Before I could answer Jungkook walked towards me dragging me to the couch with him and handing me a slice of pizza.

"Hyung relax Jin will be here soon and he will be fine and if he is not, we will make him feel better, besides I have a very important question to ask," Jungkook spoke while taking a bite from his pizza slice.

"What is it?" I asked taking a bite from my own slice.

"How should I address him? I mean I don't want it to get awkward if he is older than me and I end up calling him by his name rather than hyung," he said with a concerned look on his face.

I couldn't help but smile at this query of his.

"He is you age Jungkookie so you don't need to worry you can call him Jin," I answered while ruffling his hair.

"Oh, then we are chingus," Jungkook smirked at me.

"You don't even know him yet, how the fuck is he your Chingu Jungkook?" Yoongi hyung spoke without moving his eyes from his phone screen.

"Well he is my age, we are 97 liners so that makes him my Chingu," Jungkook answered with a shrug.

"I totally agree with him," Jimin spoke while looking at us from the massage chair he was sitting on.

"Jungkook makes complete sense hyung, I totally agree with him," said taehyung.

"Who am I kidding of course the maknae line will support each other through thick and thin, going as far as supporting stupid logic," Yoongi hyung said rolling his eyes at them.

"Okay guys we wouldn't want our future brother-in-law to walk in on us bickering, that's not a very nice first impression," Hobi said giving me a smug smile.

Before I could answer the door opened revealing Sejin hyung and a shy Jin standing behind him as soon as I saw him, I rushed towards him engulfing him in a bone crushing hug and he was completely taken aback, he stiffened for a bit but then gave in and held me tighter.

"I missed you so much," I whispered into his ears.

"I missed you more," he whispered back into my ears burying his face into the crook of my neck.

How I wished the world would come to a halt at the moment as he and I embraced each other and I pray we stay this way for years to come because he is the other half of my soul and together, we are complete.

A/N: I am sorry I did not mention it earlier but Jin is younger than Namjoon in this fic. I hope you are all doing well and staying safe. I purple you all!

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