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Namjoon's POV

I anxiously paced around the studio waiting for Pd-nim to arrive, he had called earlier stopping me from going and meeting Jin and had also increased the security around the building due to the reporters crowding around it. All the others were glued to the television flipping from one news channel to another. I had called Sunghoon an hour ago to ask about Jin's condition but he was still unconscious so Sunghoon only seemed as perplexed as I was. Minutes were turning into torturous knife stabs in my heart, at this moment I only wanted to see and hold my Jin.

Pd-nim hastily entered the studio, stress evident in his features and I could sense where this would be going.

"I have sent Jiwon to the hospital to look after Jin and to stay in touch with the doctors treating him, he will keep us informed about his condition until Jin gets a discharge, as for the images and media articles we have dealt with dispatch, the pictures will be removed soon and by tomorrow our company will also release an official statement refuting the allegations of you being in a relationship with Jin".

"What? Pd-nim how can you do that? How can you lie about this, these are not false allegations but the truth, I love Jin and that's the truth nothing in this world can change that, how can you release such a statement and brush things off", I howled at him.

"Namjoon calm down what is wrong with you, are you not seeing how the situation has got out of hand I am trying to get it under control, can't you see that?" He scowled.

"I can't , I can't calm down, this is about my Jin he was attacked by a crazy group of girls, beaten until he landed in a hospital, he is still unconscious , I can't even imagine the mental trauma he will go through once he wakes up and you are asking me to calm down and let things go the way you have planned. No, I cannot, I can't let this happen, I won't let this happen, I fucking love Kim Seokjin and I am not going to sit here and watch while the media and public defame him, call him sickening names all of which he is not.

Namjoon will you calm the fuck down; can't you see how the current situation is spreading like a wildfire, this isn't about you only its about the whole group, about the company, all your actions will affect every single one of us, I know you are really affected by this but please think practically, we are in a dreadful situation at the moment and we need to act accordingly. Jin will be fine I won't let anything happen to him but you going there right now will spur controversy and it will make things worse for  him", he placed a hand on my shoulders in reassurance.

I sighed in defeat, I had never felt so helpless in my life, I was here confined within the walls of my studio desperate to hold Jin in my arms ,to comfort him and caress him but all I had were hopes of being able to see him soon and for things to settle soon.

Jin's POV

As I opened my eyes blinding lights made me adjust my vision to them with a slight discomfort and a terrible headache and the events of a few hours back began flashing in front of my eyes and it dawned upon me why I was in a hospital. I looked to my side to see Sunghoon trying to calm a crying Changmin.

"S-Sunghoon", my voice came out as a hoarse whisper.

"Oh my god Jin are you okay?" Sunghoon and Changmin spoke in unison as they rushed towards me.

"I am o-okay, I just have a terrible headache".

"Jin I am so sorry I couldn't help you when I had promised I will, I am so sorry", Changmin spoke as she sobbed uncontrolled.

"Changmin-ah , please don't cry or apologise to me its not your fault, you did keep your promise you are the first one who came to my rescue , do you know how much that means to me, it was never your fault the situation was such that we both were helpless, Please don't cry min-ah, I hate to see you cry you're my closest friend", I gently caressed her cheeks and wiped her tears.

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