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A/N: This Update is because i am really happy. I hope my happiness and love for this story radiates in my writing.

Jin's POV

"Our night sky won't be as dark as it seems now."

I get up panting the same dream again, the one I have been getting for years now, I don't even know if it's a dream all I remember is that at the age of 18, I started getting these dreams it's been 5 years and the dream has been recurring , a strange man holding my hand and uttering these word , unable to see his face in every dream I get.

I massage my tensed muscles and decide to take a quick shower since I was supposed to meet my new boss today, well soon to be boss I am sure I won't miss out on this opportunity I check my phone to see the address and details he had sent, the subway will be the fastest way to this place.

I get on the metro for the station at Hannam- dong, yes that's where the man lives one of the most high-profile and prestigious localities of Seoul. I have heard many famous personalities live there even BTS my favorite boy-band, I am a dedicated army I absolutely love all of them they have been my source of strength ever since their debut , I respect and adore them I believe they deserve all the fame and recognition they have received until now because they have worked so hard for it.

Well I am getting to visit the same locality as my inspirations that can be a plus point, I can boast about it to my best friend Sunghoon.

As I got down at the Hannam-dong station I receive a call from Mr. Song, he never calls me himself it's always me who calls him, why was he calling me today?

"Hey Jin, well I wanted to inform you we have a buyer for the building he is willing to pay the full amount within 3 days".

I was shocked he was selling it; he was selling the building that was my dream I couldn't believe it I was numb I stood there in the middle of the metro station my eyes brimming with tears clutching my phone tightly.

"Mr Song please don't do this I called you yesterday you said there is no buyer how did one turn up suddenly?" I asked my voice was hoarse I was on the verge of breaking down any minute.

"Jin I did not lie to you we got a call from a buyer we spoke and he has good money to offer he said he will pay the full amount in 3 days , I thought of informing you , You have been pestering me about buying that building for years now might as well inform you . If you can bring the amount, he is willing to pay within 3 days I can sell it to you".

"How much do you need?" I asked desperation laced in my voice.

"10 million wons".

"What? 10 million wons Mr Song what is wrong with you? how can you be so unreasonable! 10 million wons where will I get that much money from in 3 days, you know I am a mere chef in a small diner, I earn about 8000 wons per month, how will I get so much money. You know how much this building means to me, hell you know everything Mr. Song please don't do this , please understand my situation please don't sell this building I beg you ,I was literally crying now begging him not to sell the building this was my father's dream , my dream that was being sold. How could people be so cruel.

"Jin I am being practical this is business , I cannot sit my entire life waiting for you to get the money to buy this building probably you will never have enough money to do so, stop whining and call me back if you have the money otherwise forget the building and just live with your life. Don't dream about things that are way out of your reach, you will only end up falling face down on the ground and reality will knock some sense into your delusional brain".

The line went silent, I was stupefied he just slandered me and cut the call. My mind had stopped working, all I could think about was from where will I get 10 Million Wons even if I ask the man to whom I was on my way for a job he won't ever give me the money. Nobody will, am I going to lose the building? will I shatter my dreams and my father's long-lost dream?

I was jolted back to reality by my phones ringing, "Hello Seokjin where are you? Did you leave your house? You were supposed to be here by 11am?"

"Yes, sir I will be there in 10 minutes, I am at the Hannam-dong station I just got off the train," I said in a whisper.

"Okay then see you soon he said and cut the call".

I wiped my tears and decided to hurry to my destination, now I needed this job even more than before I don't know if he will hire me, I don't even know even if he does will he help me with my current ordeal, all I know is that I cannot give up now, I have to get hired.

Namjoon's POV

I sat on my dining table sipping my coffee, Sejin hyung was talking to the guy who had called for the job, I was surprised at how fast he had managed to find one even without any great details being mentioned about the employer. It made me wonder how some people in our country were still struggling for jobs.

"Namjoon he will be here in 10 minutes I already informed the security at the gate to let him in".

I nodded while taking another sip, "hyung what did you say his name was?"

"Kim Seokjin, he is currently working as a chef in a diner, I guess he will be a good cook if he is working in a diner".

"Yes, I hope so to".

Jin's POV

I stand at the entrance next to the security chamber, my hands are trembling I am terrified moreover nervous I don't know what will happen now?

I have had enough for today I don't want this day to get any worse, I just hope everything turns out to be good, I stood there praying silently when a deep voice made me open my eyes.

"Kim Seokjin? Are you Kim Seokjin? said a man dressed in a well-tailored suit.

"Yes, sir it's me" I answered in a subdued voice.

"I am the security chief I will take you to Mr Kim's apartment, please follow me".

I quietly followed him but my mind wandered to the name he took, Mr Kim, who can this Mr. Kim be there are so many people here who have the same family name which Mr. Kim is he talking about.

It didn't take us long to reach our destination it was a beautiful duplex it had small creepers on the walls, hanging down in the most exquisite manner it was beautiful, expensive yet humble. The security chief pressed the doorbell and spoke "sir I have your guest with me" almost immediately the door swung open and I was taken aback at the man standing in front of me, it was Sejin ,the manager of BTS so is this Mr. Kim a member of BTS there are two kims : Namjoon and Taehyung but wait a minute don't they all live together and they cook for themselves so why do they need a chef and if it's all of them then why did the security chief say Mr. Kim .

I was standing there my mind lost in these questions when Sejin spoke up "thank you Mr. Nam I will take him from here", Mr. Nam bowed to him and left.

"Seokjin right come inside we have been waiting for you".

We have been ! who ? who has been waiting for me with him, I was in a state of shock as I walked inside the house and my gaze lands upon the man in front of me his dimpled smile and the beautiful aura radiating from his face , the man I was supposed to be working for.

Kim Namjoon! I whisper yelled.

Eternal Spring ~Namjinजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें