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I sat next to Mike, waiting for our parents to arrive

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I sat next to Mike, waiting for our parents to arrive.

I was leaning on Mike's shoulder, both of us wrapped in the blankets given to us.

My eyes were still clouded with tears, waiting for my parents arrival.

A woman comes up, sobbing. She takes Mike in her arms, both of them crying together.

At this point, I wanted my mom. And that's exactly when she came.

I throw the blanket off of me, running up to my mom and pulling her into a hug, sobs racking my body.


"Are you sure this is okay? I mean, Ive talked to Will like once in my life." I whisper, rubbing my arms.

"Yes, of course it's fine," Mike sighs, "You're apart of the party now, and plus, you helped save him."

"I know, but this is like a friends and family thing. I don't think I'm a face he'll want to see when he first wakes up. Maybe I should just let you guys go in, and you can tell him I said hi or something." I suggest.

"You're being silly. You're coming in, I don't care what you say." Mike shrugs, a grin on his face.

The door opens, Jonathan standing there.

Will's awake.

Mike shakes a snoring Lucas and Dustin awake, rushing out of the room himself.

I laugh as the two boys push each other away, racing after Mike.

I trail behind, laughing at the now ecstatic mood the boys were in.

Mike pushes the door open, running in, screaming, "Byers!"

The boys pile onto Will in a group hug.

"Be careful. Be careful with him." Joyce orders, smiling.

"Guys, guys, go easy on him." Jonathan chuckles.

"You won't believe what happened when you were gone, man." Lucas exclaims.

"It was mental." Dustin tells him.

I stand a little back, leaning against the wall next to Joyce, "Go, get in there."

"Me?" I ask, scratching the back of my neck, "Will and I aren't really that...close. I don't want to invade, I mean he just woke up. Mike kinda forced me to-"

"Say hi," Joyce urges, cutting off my rambling, "Help the boys explain the crazy adventure you went on in saving him."

I nod, smiling.

I push in between Dustin and Lucas, just when Will begins to cough. My smile fades.

"You okay?" Mike asks.

"It got me. The Demogorgon." Will states.

"We know," Mike sighs, "It's okay. It's dead."

Will looks down for a moment, before his eyes trail to me, "Elizabeth?"

The boys smile once again, as do I.

"Lizzie helped us, Will!" Lucas exclaims.

"She's part of the party now." Dustin adds.

"Yeah, she's really great. You and her will get along together good," Mike smiles reassuringly at me, "And we made two other friends," Will looks up in interest, "They stopped it. They saved us. But they're gone now."

"Their names are Eleven and Ten." Dustin informs Will.

"Like the numbers?" Will asks in confusion.

"Well, we call Eleven 'El' for short, and Lizzie calls Ten 'T'." Lucas elaborates.

"They're basically wizards." Dustin gushes.

"They have superpowers." Lucas whispers.

"More like a Yoda." Mike shrugs.

"Ten made a car float," I explain, "and El flipped a van with her mind."

"Yeah, it flipped over us-"

"Yeah, and these agents were trying to shoot us-"

"Then, they squeezed the brains out..."

"And blood was pouring out of their faces."

"It was pouring out of their eyes."

"Agents just started grabbing us and stuff..."

"I bit one of their arms to try and get away!"

"Yeah, but that didn't work so well..."

"...shot out of the wall..."

"Ten can only use her powers when touching water-"

"That's not true! When they killed the Demogorgon she wasn't touching water!"

We all continue talking over each other, explaining everything that happened when Will was gone.


One Month Later

The snow was falling gracefully outside, and I was drinking hot chocolate by the fire. My dad was upstairs, asleep, but my mom was on the couch, watching tv.

"Mom?" I call.

"Yes, Liz?" She asks.

I don't take my eyes from the flames of the fire when I ask, "What do you do when you like someone, but they like someone else?"

"Is this about Mike?" My mom sighs, "Sweetie, Eleanor has moved away, how is Mike going to like someone that he can't even talk to?"

I sip my drink, "I know, mom. But, I feel like he still likes her, even when she's...gone."

"The best thing to do is give him time. You're a lovely girl, and he will see that sooner or later. You just have to wait 'till he gets over this girl, alright?" I nod, "Good. Now get some sleep so you can open your presents in the morning."

I kiss my mom goodnight, putting my cup in the sink and racing upstairs.

I've always been to afraid to open the door hidden in the closet, even after how long it has been. But, now, I feel as if I should get over it, and open it up.

That's exactly what I did.

I move the clothes that were hung on hangers, opening the door. I peek my head in, squeezing through and over to the pile of pillows and blankets.

Laying on top of the comforters was two pieces of papers, that had a rip in them. I pick it up, putting them together. They fit like two pieces of a puzzle.

I take them with me as I leave the small room, dumping out my arts and crafts bucket.

My colored pencils, notebooks, and some other stationery. I grab the tape, taping the back together, then the front, so the red bubble letters now read, 'I am sorie'. I laugh through watery eyes at the horrible grammar that she had. Sorie? That's not a word.

I begin to put the items back in, when I notice another colored page in my notebook.

I open it up, seeing three stick figures drawn out. Two of them had little hair on their head, the other one a full head.

But that's not what I was looking at. No, I was looking at the labels they had: Ten, Elizabeth, and Eleven. Just below our names, was a bold word, that made a pain in my heart, and the tears welled up in my eyes roll down.


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