He might be inteminating..

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You, Angel, and Charlie decided to watch the movie 'nerve'
Charlie and Vaggie had already seen the movie, so you and Angel were a bit more excited.

*Time skip*

"That was actually better than expected." You said, stretching.
"I'm glad you liked it, (y/n!)" Charlie smiled, happily.
Angel Dust was passed out beside you, having barely made it to the middle of the movie before falling asleep.

"Angel." You shook one of his arms, gently. Nothing.
"Angel?" You shook him a little harder. Still nothing.
"WAKE UP!" You jumped on him, which immediately woke him up. He looked startled at first, but calmed down after realizing it was you.

"Ya almost gave me a heart attack!" Angel yelled, pushing you off of him playfully.

Alastor, Vaggie, Husk, and Niffy were all in the living room. You couldn't remember seeing them came in, probably due to focusing on the movie.

"It's already 3am??" Charlie gasped, looking at the grand clock in the corner. "We should all get to bed.
I scheduled an event for tomarrow evening, it starts at 6pm!" She said, yawning. Vaggie was now standing next to Charlie, admiring her cuteness.

"Oh, okay. I'll just watch other movie then. Goodnight!" (Y/n) smiled, looking towards the two older girls.

"Maybe you should get some sleep too, (y/n)" Charlie stated.

"We have a lot of stuff to take care of." Vaggie agreed, crossing her arms.

"I'll be fine." (Y/N) rolled her eyes, giggling.

"Ahem." Alastor said, gaining everyone's attention. "Our dear Charlie is right!" His voice was laced with the same radio-static noise he usually had. The tall deer demon then chuckled.

"Yes sir!" Niffty smiled.
"Couldn't hurt. I'm still tired anyways." Angel Dust shrugged, starting to stroll towards the staircase.
Soon it was just you and the Radio Demon. Who was looking at you with a wide smile.

"Need something, Al?" You asked, tilting your head to the side.

"I believe Charlie has instructed the people of this hotel to retire for the night. As her business partner, I must see to it that everyone does just that! Haha." 

You stare at Alastor, blankly.
"Uhm. I'm gonna watch another movie, remember?" (Y/n) stated, matter-of-factly.

"Nonsense, my dear! You're going to rest for tomarrow as Charlie instructed." Something about the way Alastor spoke this time was different, almost intimidating.
You hadn't heard him like this before, but decided it wasn't a big deal.

"Well, I said I'm watching a movie!" (Y/n) grew annoyed, raising her voice slightly. "So, fuck. Off."

Suddenly, Alastor appeared behind you. His tall figure hovering over yours, causing you to feel extremely small. The Radio static clouded your mind and overwhelmed your senses.
He leaned down, stopping barely an inch away from your ear.

"Again. Watch your language, darling~" he said, his voice even more altered then usual.

"Or do I have to make you?"

I hope you guys are enjoying the
story so far..I'm trying my best!

I just started working on a (Human) Alastor × Reader Fanfic.
Go check it out!

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