Just trying to help..

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Angel ruffled your hair then started walking back to the hotel. Following close behind him was (y/n) who noticed Cherri was no longer with them.
I guess she went home.

"Yea?" He said, looking over his shoulder at you.
"Are you okay?"
(Y/n) asked, still concerned about earlier.
"I'm fine. Now shut up about it, would ya??" He snapped.
"Angel, I just want to help.."

(Y/n) knew what it felt like to be sad, scared, paranoid, and angry. She could easily tell that Angel was feeling the same way she had.. so many times before. she wished someone would've asked her if she was okay, then maybe she wouldn't have ended her own life. Maybe then she could've lived..

"Damnit!" Angel yelled, turning to face her. "Fuck off, (y/n!)" His voice held so much emotion.
He's in pain..
"You're starting to piss me off."
"I wanna know what's going on with that guy, Val-"


You're eyes widened as you stumbled back, then fell onto the ground. You're elbows broke your fall, but not without some scrapes. The road felt much harder then anticipated.
He pushed me..

"O-Ow.." You said to yourself, looking up at Angel, who didn't bother helping you up or saying sorry.

"Fine! Forget it!" (Y/n) yelled then run off, with watery (e/c) eyes.
The spider demon watched, still angred by the mention of Valentino. He made no attempt to chase after the young girl, nor plead with her to come back. Angel simply went back to the hotel, climbed into his window, and went to sleep.
"Rise and shine, Angel!" A familiar and cheerful voice said while pulling the blankets off him.

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