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"I'm sorry, what was that dear?" Alastor smirked, feeling you struggle.
"I-I'm -sorry! Let me go!" (Y/N) cried like a kid pleading not to be put in timeout.

It's not like she meant to get separated from Angel! And she certainly didn't expect this from Alastor, he acted as though he had authority over everyone at the hotel. Besides Charlie.
What is his deal?

"Ha! Oh, dear. You still haven't realized who is in charge here, have you?" He chuckled darkly.
"you're g-gonna break m-my neck.."
(Y/N) managed to say, diespite receiving limited oxygen. Tears streamed down her face.
"Hmm?" Alastor paused then dropped her to her feet.
"I would never do such a thing! You're no threat to me, darling~" Sounding amused at the end of his sentence, made it clear to (y/n) that Alastor saw her as nothing more than a weakling.
Your feet hit the wooden floor with barely enough balance to keep yourself standing. You rubbed your sore throat while using the opposite hand to wipe away any tears.
As much as you wanted to prove him wrong, it was a waste of time. What could you do? Fight one of the strongest beings in all of hell?
"I'm sorry for causing so much trouble, can I please go now?.."
(Y/N) sounded guilty of her actions, which was good enough for Alastor. The party started shortly and his assistance was needed elsewhere, much to (y/n's) relief.

"I expect you to be back down here shorty, and wearing something presentable."

Darling~ (Alastor × Reader)Where stories live. Discover now