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Secrets with Hux

Kylo allowed his temper to get the best of him, and one way of release was Hux, who he still had to deal with

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Kylo allowed his temper to get the best of him, and one way of release was Hux, who he still had to deal with. He couldn't help but crumble inside, whenever someone spoke to him like that he'd kill them; so why didn't he kill Fawn? She seemed very willing to be killed. His blazing lightsaber could've pierced through her and ripped her apart, he could've heard her scream.. in pain . But no.

Meanwhile, Fawn didn't actually know what to do in her chambers that kylo left her in. Except look out of the window, peering into the galaxy. It was peaceful, something that she hadn't done in a long time. Although, the more she stared out..the more her thoughts became intrusive. A feeling of danger arriving her way. At first, she came to the intentional thoughts that it would be Hux. But the danger still seemed a little far off.. and surely kylo would've punished Hux by now, Right?

And indeed he was, his mask back on and his fists clenched as he stormed into the control room, to see Hux commanding everyone like he was in charge. This was for Fawn, and Fawn only. To help her stay to be less of a misery. The beasts lecture, was strict, harsh. Involved a bit of choking and threats from kylo. But he had hoped that the intimidation would go into Hux's thick skull.
He wouldn't know, unless Fawn told him..

Fawn had attempted to distract herself, rummaging around to find robes; similar to the type of dresses she would wear back at 'home',

Is this place really safe..? Fawn thought to herself, wandering out her room. He didn't say to stay there so Fawn was kinda free to roam around, although the girl hadn't a clue of what to do. She was more scared if rumours got out about her.. she just had to hope herself that her white hair was a good enough hidden identity.
Letting it loose on her shoulders and down her back, it was long and probably needed a trim soon but she wasn't at the palace so that would be difficult.

She shuffled her way into the Lunch hall, only to find un masked stormtroopers and workers scattered around the bland room - enjoying their meals. Although, The girl immediately knew she wasn't going to eat in peace, nor was anyone going to be kind. Kylo's men were ruthless killers, and no way in hell were they going to be nice to the stranger who just entered.

A hand landed on her shoulder, sending chills, "may I help you acquire a meal?" The familiar voice asked by her ear, quickly she leaned forward and spun around to see Hux. His annoying face staring at her sourly. "Why?! You sexually harassed me! Why would -"

"Keep your voice down princess.." he sighed, bringing her out of the way of anyone entering, once he pulled her to the side the man was able to speak to her. Even though she shot daggers through him with her glares, she didn't understand, why?! "Your tricking me and then your going to hurt me!" She whisper yelled, clenching her fists and gritting her teeth.

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