Chapter 2

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The meeting finally ended and the student Council went their separate ways, aoi went out into the hall and started to patrol down them, she saw no fights or anything interesting. It was boring, but at least she could think for herself now, she started to think about how much longer her parents would be away for, and she definitely didn't want them to come back.

She always liked being alone, it was better that way for her. She felt calm when being alone, but she hated it when she overheard students talking about her, they made her seem as though she was an angry freak, and it made her blood boil. But she moved thoes thoughts away, she focused on not tripping up the stairs.

She patrolled the rooftop and went down and patrolled there aswell, until she made her way down to the bottom floor.

Shiromi was patrolling outside, she was calm and a bit cold, the wind blew past her and made her hair blow to the side. She moved her scarf up until it covered her mouth, she snuggled into it. It was more colder today than usual, so she was glad when she was finally able to go into the school building to get to the fountain area.

Shiromi walked into the building and saw the one eyed girl patrolling, she saw this as a perfect opportunity to scare her again. She sneaked up behind her as she was walking down the hall next to the opening of the fountain area. And she put both hands on aoi's shoulders and said "ARRGG!"

Aoi tensed up and her eye widened as she turned around aggressively with a pissed face and was about to hit whoever was there, but as soon as she saw shiromi she stopped and yelled "I told you not to fucking do that!" aoi said as she was fuming with rage. Shiromi just looked up at her and shut her eyes and giggled, before opening them. "heh. Well I wont stop, it's too much fun to see your reaction"

Aoi's eye twitched with anger, "if you do it again, don't be suprised if i end up punching you" she said frustrated as she looked at the smaller girl infront of her. The girl pulled her scarf down a bit and her mouth showed, she was smiling as usual, "I wont be" she said. Aoi was confused of how she wasn't a bit afraid of her, she scared many people in the school because of how violent she is, she pondered at this question as she examined the smaller girl infront of her.

Shiromi stared into the angry student Council member's eye, admiring her blue eyes, for a split second she thought they really suited her, made her look cute in a way, but as she thought that, she tightened her eyes shut and got rid of that thought.

she opened her eyes and saw aoi about to say something. "are you just gonna stand there like an idiot or patrol?" aoi said as she turned around and put her hands into her pocket, taking a few steps before shiromi snapped back to reality and shook her head before walking to the fountain area and patrolling there.

'that was odd...' shiromi thought

'that's not usually like me.. I should get more sleep. Then I won't be thinking things like that' she thought as she reassured herself.


It was lunch time and aoi was making herway to the student Council area to eat, she walked past all the students that were walking down the halls, some of them gave her a look of hatred, whilst others a look of fear or disgust. She kept her head down and her usual posture, ignoring all the people around her. She's not popular in a good way. People do not like her, all the admirers of the student Council would be the rest of them except her.

"its aoi ryugoku, the one eyed freak."

"don't look her way, or the pirate will throw ye off the plank"

"shush be quite, she might hear"

All of the wispers around her, she heard, some of them were random whilst others were about her. She wanted so badly to yell at them and say to tell her to her face, but if she did then they would dislike her more or make a big deal out of it.

"I bet her family hates her..."

As soon as she heard that.. That was it. She stopped dead in her tracks next to the student Council room, and turned around. She was giving everyone down the hall a death stare and they felt as if they were gonna die.

"if you have anything to say about me.. Why don't you say it to my face?!" she yelled with rage. And everyone looked in a different direction than hers, they stood still and silent, not daring to say a word or more.

"that's what I thought" she said a bit quitely before walking into the council and shutting the door and laying her forehead on it, "jesus fucking christ-" she said before she heard someone say "wow, ruff time aoi?" she looked at the table and saw shiromi sitting down with her feet on the table.

Aoi looked at her and said "it doesnt fucking matter, but why the hell do you have your feet on the table? Kuroko will be pissed if she sees you" aoi moved away from the door and stood opposite of the table to where shiromi was sitting. "well, she's not here, she's with akane sorting something out" shiromi said as she kept her feet on the table.


I hope you enjoyed it.

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