Chapter 19

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Shiromi pov

"budo?" I said as I looked at the sight of a sleeping budo. "is he dead?" I heard aoi say next to me before pushing me aside and walking in. "no, why would he be dead?" I said crossing my arms, smiling.

"overdose, he's probably on drugs with the way he's been acting" aoi said casually. Whilst crouching next to him.

'doubted, budo is the type to want to live and help others, and himself. Not kill himself on school grounds' I thought to myself, walking over to him.

I looked at him and around the place, there were no signs of drugs, or any smell of them. "so how we gonna wake him-" I started, but budo shot his eyes wide open as he felt a foot smash right into his stomach.

"or we can do that" I spoke with a suprised voice. "yea yeah. Now he's awake" aoi said clearly not bothered that she just kicked budo in his stomach. I watched as aoi grabbed budo and picked him up slightly. "so we doing good and bad cop or something now?" I said pointing at me and aoi between bad and good cop.

"sure, as long as I get to beat him" aoi smirked, moving her gaze back to budo.

'I do wonder why this girl hasn't killed someone yet' I sighed to myself. "that's a bit harsh, let's just talk with him" I state nervously, trying to make aoi NOT kill him.

Budo got onto his feet, but not before falling down and then getting up. "hung over?" i say raising an eyebrow and looking at him with my all knowing smirk.

Aoi got back up and faced budo before leaning back and waffing the air away from her nose. "yep, the dipshit has been drinking." she said with a grossed out tone.

I hummed a victory song as I was correct. I walk around him slowly, not looking at him, as he watched me slowly circle him like a snake. ".. We wouldn't want the principle finding out.. Now,do we budo?" I said and his breath stopped in his throat.

Before he managed to squeeze out some words. "N-no" he said with shame lingering in his voice. "so then is this the reason you've been hurting people without reason? Because you've been a drunk, sad, boy?" i said, circling him still, stealing a quick glance at aoi from time to time.

"y-yes, i wont do it again. My apologies!" budo said with fear, as he bowed and sweat drip of the side of his jaw.

"well you better" aoi rolled her eye "and if you don't. I'm gonna give you the beating of your life! You hear me" aoi started to yell at the end of her sentence.

I nudge her ribs and she gives me killer eyes. "do that again and you'll see where my elbow goes" she said tilting her head up then putting her right hand on my shoulder, grabbing on tight. "right through your rib's." she then let go of my shoulder. I swear I could feel her hand there still. She must have grabbed pretty hard.

I turned my attention back to budo, he seems to be paralysed in his bowing state. "MOVE MOTHERFUCKER!" aoi suddenly yelled. Making me jump slightly. Budo legit nearly tumbled after hearing aoi raise her voice. He stood up straight.

"alright were leaving this drunk bastard to dwell in his sadness" aoi soon said after, already leaving. I looked at budo and shrugged. Before leaving, with me behind aoi.

'I could take her picture again... Nah ive already done that' I thought, before bumping into aois' back. I slightly grunted before looking up to see the back of aoi's head, then slightly turn to see her eye peer at me.

"walk next to me, not behind me. Fucking creep" she whispered nearly. So I walked to her side. "better?" I ask her. "much" she said before walking. With me next to her.

*time skip, brought to you by me tripping down my stairs nearly because my brother thought it would be a great idea to scare me*

I decided to go on patrol, and so did aoi. I put in my earphones and listened to some music. I didnt realise I started to dance. But when I did, I stopped.

I smiled and patrolled. Seeing the delinquents at their spot, giving me a glare of distrust. But i brushed it off. They are always like that.

But just as i was about to pass them. One of them spoke. "oi, whitey." he said in a growly voice.

I turned around and pulled out my earphones. Hearing little sounds coming out my earphones still.

"yeah? What do you need?" i ask calmly. And he giggled, "is it true you and ryugoku date?" I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "No, what makes you think that?" I replyed with annoyance in my voice.

"everyone thinks you guys date, and the fact your always with her." he says staring into her dark eyes. I continue to walk and put my ear phones back in. "just cuz we hang out doesn't mean we like each other." I yell back.

"but maybe she likes you!" he said jokingly

'she wouldn't.. She wouldn't like me back.'i thought to myself.

I continued to walk and the music matched into what I was thinking. I loved and i loved and I lost you.

I imagined aoi sitting next to me, telling me that she loves me. That she will always stay by me...

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