Chapter 22

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Pov shiromi

"shiromi!" he said startled. And shiromi giggled. "so brother, you really made haste getting here didn't you? Didn't waste a second." I said into his ear.

Before going into my usual pose, "so we gonna get something? Or just hang" I said looking into the baby blue sky, seeing rarely any clouds.

He humed before responding with his answer "we should buy something. May aswell, since we're here" he looked at the store.

And I shoved him inside. Making him argue with me, saying that he can walk by himself. Of course, I didnt listen. We saw some people around, getting their daily shopping. And minding themselves.

Whilst we over here looked like the crackheads of the store who just fought a possum in an alleyway, only to lose.

I snaked my arm round his neck and brought him close. "what's better than spending quality time with my little brother?" I say choking him in the process. "let.. Me.. Go" he managed to squeeze out. And i did.

I dropped him onto the ground. "oops" I said innocently.

He growled and got to his feet, and walked to the candy part of the store. "I don't think you need anymore candy." I say, rudely.

"eh?! Shiromi that's mean!" he scoffed. I shrugged and examined some candy. "brother this seems like something that pedos would take to give to children, is there something your not telling me?" I jokingly comment. Giggling after.

He looked at me disrespected. "how low do you think I'd stoop?!" he said quickly, and I simply replied with the biggest grin on my face, "well lower than your height, that's for sure."

After that, brother just looked dead in his eyes, wondering why he has this sister.
"I'm gonna throw you out the window" he casually stated, walking around again. Before smiling. "so shiromi, got anyone your interested in?" he giggled.

I flushed a shade of red, "wha.. No silly!" I lied, no way he's knowing. He looked at me doubtfully, "I know your lying sister.." he looked at me whilst holding a Mars bar. "it's that aoi girl isn't it, I mean you do talk about her much more than your other friends."

I stayed there speechless, "yep it's her, ask her out, you donkey Kong." he scolded me.
And I shoved a magazine in his face,"yeah but she wouldn't like me back." I sighed, saddened that what I said may be true.

But my brother tapped my shoulder, "don't give up yet, you don't know if she doesn't like you or not. You still have a shot." he looked at me with hopeful eyes. And i smiled,"ill keep my head up!" I cheerily told him.

"that's what I thought"

(me and my friends in a nutshell, I'm over here referring to them as different things and annoying them. And that donkey Kong thing? That was when my ex- (best) friend told me "ask her out you donkey Kong!" good times.. Ofc I didnt date the person.)

We continued through the store and I saw a shopping cart. "oh god shiromi please dont-" too late I was already in it. "yes and yes." i said, approving my actions. He sighed in defeat and pushed the shopping cart.

He pushed me around and we gained speed, we proceeded down the isles until we accidentally crashed into an employee.
'fuck' I thought. And before we knew it, we were kicked out after paying for the candy.

I tasted the candy and we were deciding whether or not we should go back home.

"nope not a chance-" I said, until a familiar blue blurry person caught my eye. I looked only to see aoi walking down the street. "aoi!" I yelled, cupping my hands together.

Aoi suddenly turned towards the location of the sound. And calmed down, seeing it was shiromi and not some crackhead delinquent wanting a fight. Aoi walked across the road.

She stood infront of them. "christ she's tall!" brother said, "your just small" I replied smug. And he took his chance to ruin EVERYTHING. "oh so this is the girl you have a crush on?"

I felt my heart stop, and I quickly dammed my elbow into his ribs. He made an ACK sound. And aoi stood there, her face suprised.

I laughed nervously, "I erm... Hes just messin" and all i heard was "no im not" before I elbowed him again. Making him wheeze.

"were gonna have to talk about this privately soon." aoi said clearly, nearly intimidating. My brother giggled whilst sounding like a whoopie cushion.

"so this is your brother?" aoi questioned, "y-yeah" I replied. "sadly" brother said.

"by the way she wont shut up about y-" I covered his mouth before he could say anything. He bit my hand and I yelled at him.

"jesus you fucking idiots are siblings." aoi watched us argue. "yeah" I said before trying to attack him. Aoi had to break it up.

"let's not kill each other before we reach adulthood! Fucking idiots.." she muttered the last bit.

We decided to walk around the place a bit. Often a fight came out between me and my brother. But all was good till-


My battery is on 2%. Aaaaa.

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