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It was the start of my exams for the last and final semester. December had finally approached.

I got ready for school and there I was to give away the last exams of high school. I had talked to my father to let me stay here for as long as I wanted to. I sorted out with him that I wanted to go to college here in California. I wanted to be independent unlike my mom who suffered at the hands of a man like my father. To my surprise,he agreed.

I was in the examination hall when I saw Shane sitting right next to me in the other row. I didn't want that to happen. Everytime I saw him,it hurt me even more. And I think that people around me had a clue that there was something stirring up between us two while it was only me who loved him. I was in love with him and his harsh attitude towards me was even more painful to witness with these high school rumors to deal with every day in a new way.

"He has a girlfriend. Don't fall for him. Try to ignore him." I chanted the words to myself over and over again until the exam paper was distributed to all of us. Shane was two years senior than me and was in the college in the same building and he was giving some course papers he had left pending. I overheard this information months ago from a group of friends at the cafeteria. He was a student of accounts and business. Nevertheless we all engaged ourselves into the exam.

I heard him sneeze and on hearing him I turned involuntarily to him.

He still has flu? And he didn't do anything about it. God. He can get sick.I thought to myself as I heard him sneeze once more. He seemed to be irritated at this. Finally I rechecked my paper and handed it over to the invigilator and started to leave. I saw Shane staring at me.  His nose had turned red. He looked too adorable with a red nose. I wanted to look at him for a little while but as different thoughts crossed my mind,I snatched my eyes away from him reluctantly and again started walking towards the door.

"Achew." Shane sneezed as he faced down at the table putting his head in his arm.

I couldn't leave him. I just couldn't,even after what he had done to me,I still couldn't keep grudges for him. I turned back and took out a piece of tissue paper from my jeans pocket and placed it on Shane's table. He looked up at me with a confused expression.

"You still have flu and you know you can get sick." I spoke to him in a tone that reflected the deep concern in my words.

"Why are you..........achew!" He opened his mouth to speak as a sneeze interrupted his sentence.

"It's going to be cold till long now." I said in concern as I gazed into his dark, intense eyes.

The words seemed to have a heart wrenching impact on me as if they meant something more rational than in the sense that I said them. Things were going to remain cold for long, I thought and made my way out as I could still feel his eyes on me. I wanted to yell at him for getting sick. I wanted to scold him...but I didn't have any right over him. He wasn't my boyfriend or not even a friend. The thought made my heart ache.

I sat in the cafeteria waiting for Sarah until again my eyes landed on Shane again. He was looking right at me and he had the tissue paper in his hand that I had given him. His expressions had changed. They had softened. Some guys eyed me while eyeing him as if he were a total retard and they grinned. I knew what obvious expression I had left. Ignoring them I peeked at Shane. I wanted to talk to him, but about what? I couldn't seem to trust him but I even couldn't seem to hate him at all. I was in love with this guy. I loved him too much that it would hurt. I had been going crazy about him over last couple of days.

"Hi. How'd it go?" Sarah asked as she sat in front of me blocking Shane's view from my site who was still looking at me every second.

"It was awesome. Easy. I finished it earlier." I answered her trying to divert my attention to the big eyed girl in front of me.

"Hmmm. Good for you. I kindda need to talk to you about something." Sarah spoke in hesitation as her lips trembled due to the cold December wind that was blowing.

"What? Tell me about it." I asked Sarah eagerly as I put my hands in the jackets pocket due to the chilly breeze.

"Do you remember your elementary school crush? The kid who hit you with the football and you fell into the mud and when he came to pick up his football,he didn't even bother apologizing. But the next day he picked you up and made you stand in the first place in the long cafeteria line?" Sarah continued as her breath hitched.

"Yeah of course I remember him. But why did you ask about him all of a sudden?" I asked as I rubbed my hands together and put them back in my pocket.

"Do you know his name or anything about where did he go when you were in secondary school?" Sarah interrogated as she ran a hand through her hair.

"No I lost track of him but I still remember of how he looked like about umm.......nine or ten years ago." I told Sarah in sadness.

"He was cute and I still hold crush on him." I told Sarah with a wink to change my mood and to lighten up the atmosphere.

"You need to know something." Sarah took a deep breath and spoke.

"What?" I inquired with curiosity.

"That kid you were in love with , is........ Shane Alstaire Qastial." Sarah managed to complete her sentence as she squinted her eyes.

I shut froze as memories as my past flashed through my head. That kid and me and seeing him in school playing in the ground all the time.

That guy was this guy. Shane?

"Are you serious?" I asked in doubt blinking my eyes.

"Yes, yes, yes I'm sure because a class fellow told me about his schooling back in Canada and then all those stupid incidents you used to tell me. She was your senior but she was Shane's class fellow back in Canada. Jessica. Remember? Does it ring a bell?" Sarah spoke non-stop trying to remind me.

I couldn't seem to believe the coincidence that had just taken place. I loved a boy whom I had actually loved whole my life. Really?

The Perfect Imperfection(#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now