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"Rachel. You......" I said nodding my head as I walked out of the hospital.

Rachel was pregnant. I was shocked and paralyzed for a moment. Different thoughts clouded my mind; Rachel's parents, her studies, her aim and the most..her life. She had so much ahead of her and she was one month pregnant. I cursed myself for not stopping her to have a sexual relationship with Shane. I was partly blaming myself for all of this. I could've save her from this day. I wanted to kill that fucker Shane Alstaire Qastial.

I tried to calm myself and again rushed back to the hospital to talk to the doctor. I opened the door of Dr. Nicholas Tomlinson's office and saw him sitting in his chair going through a report perhaps.

"Miss Sarah I suppose, we met this morning right. Please have a seat." The doctor said with a smile as he put the report down on the table.

" I want you to please recheck these reports because I think that there might have been some sort of mistake here." I said worriedly and with hesitation as I handed over the envelope to him.

Dr. Nicholas went through the report for a few seconds and I sat in my seat praying that the report is  incorrect and Rachel isn't pregnant.

"Well, congratulations Sarah. Your friend is one month pregnant. There is absolutely no error in this report. I have checked the hormonal level in here and the urine and blood both show high concentrations of oestrogen and progesterone." The doctor said with confidence as he looked at the reports.

"But doctor she......she used protection and still.........." I said nodding my head in disbelief.

"Ma'am, sometimes even with protection there is a risk of getting pregnant. There is always a slight risk with every precaution. Like it's likely for a condom to rupture during intercourse due to the wearing and tearing during sex. If spermicides are applied, some sperms still reach the oviduct and might fertile the egg. Same goes on with the other protection measures. And your friend is not on birth control pills because if she was then it would've been shown in her reports. There is no need to worry about her vomiting because it's normal in the first two to three months but some females show these signs very early after fertilisation. Just l7ke your friend." The doctor explained and confirmed Rachel's pregnancy.

I was now starting to believe that he was right because everything clearly directed towards Rachel being pregnant.

The doctor wrote me some medicines. There were iron pills and pills for vitamin C and D and some other medicines to prevent the vomiting.  There was a diet plan according to which Rachel had to eat from now. I thanked the doctor as there was no point left in to argue over. I drove back to the apartment after buying the medicines from the hospital's pharmacy.

Unlocking the door with the spare key I went inside. Harry laid beside Rachel starring at the ceiling with his one arm over his forehead while Rachel was asleep. I didn't know what to do or what to tell Harry or even Rachel. This was so hard on me and I didn't know how to handle the situation on my own. If I told Harry, hell was gonna break loose. But if I didn't, then I'd loose my mind. While I was thinking this out, Harry spotted me standing in the door and he cautiously walked to me being careful to not wake her up.

"What happened? Is she allright? What did the doctor say?" Harry blurted out the words as he grabbed my arm and guided me towards the lounge.

"Uh.....the doctor said that........." I opened my mouth to say the words but before I could say something, Harry snatched away the envelope in my hand.

I wanted to take it back but it was too late, he opened and read it. I closed my eyes as I ran my hands through my hair in confusion and regret. Harry didn't say a word but the expressions on his face changed from shock to anger. He put the envelope on the table and sat down on the couch making a fist of his hand. I sensed the rising anger in him but prayed that he doesn't bursts out.

The Perfect Imperfection(#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now