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I took a bath and changed into some random jeans and shirt and made myself some light breakfast but it was late for me to have breakfast because it was nearly one. I didn't really want to eat but I felt my stomach growling due to hunger. As I was forcing the food in my mouth I heard the phone ring.

I knew that Shane would call. Without bothering to see the name of the caller on the screen I picked up with excitement.

"Shane. I knew that that you'd call when you get free......" I spoke with excitement as I tucked a flick of my hair behind my ear.

"Rach it's me, Sarah. What's up with you, you lovesick puppy?" Sarah asked cheerfully as she giggled.

"Sarah............I thought that you were Shane. Actually I've been trying to contact him but we didn't really get a chance to talk or meet. He's kindda busy you know." I spoke with obvious disappointment in my voice as the plastered smile on my face dissolved.

"Awe. Don't get sad babes. I'm sure he misses you just the same. you're free and also sad , why don't you come and meet me. We can go hang out somewhere.......Shawn shut up I'm talking to her ahhhh..........what the hell are you doing? SHAWN! Rachel I'll get back to you. Bye." Sarah spoke as she shouted in the meantime at Shawn, and hung up. He was bothering usual.

I smiled at them both. They do look cute together I thought. I waited for Sarah's call and in a few minutes she called back.

"Sorry Rach this Shawn is getting on my nerves and he's always like this now. I don't know what was he doing with my hair. Told me that he was braiding my hair but he messed them up and the pins were stuck in my hair. Why was he doing that in the first place.I'm going to kill him! Well, lets meet at the park. I'll see you in some time. I'm heading to the park now and yeah one more thing, you'll be glad to learn that my dad has gone out of city to visit some folks and to collect some papers I suppose. But he took Ainnie along with him. I was reluctant but then I didn't find it appropriate to interfere in his business. Besides, he doesn't really bother Ainnie as much as he bothers and fights with me. Cut the crap. Meet me at the park now. Bye." She said as she was about to hang up.

"Bye. I'm coming." I told her as I hung up and started towards the front door picking up my jacket from the hook.

I drove to the town's park , it was a cloudy day. It had been this way from a last couple of days. I turned on the radio and on my way I listened to some good old rock songs. Reaching the park I parked my car and as I entered the gate, I saw Shawn playing rugby with some random boys, and Sarah was reading a book.

"Hey, I'm here." I said with a smile on my face as I walked towards the bench.

"Hi there. So what's with the long face, huh?" She asked as she gestured for me to sit.

"Huhh." I said sighing as I looked up at the heavy clouds.

"Nothing much, you already know about........Shane and" I said with a random expression of disappointment and irritation.

"So you're mad at him?" She asked as she flipped the pages of her book.

"No I'm not mad at him......I can't be because there's no point of me being mad at him. What do we have, nothing. I haven't even told him yet about the way I feel . And I slept with........." I said with irritation and a slightly regretting tone as I ran my hands through my hair.

"Rachel, are you having second thoughts now?" She asked as she held my arm and diverted her full attention towards me.

" I'm not regretting sleeping with him but just that, that I should've waited for it. I should have confessed it earlier but at that time I was so overwhelmed by him and just did it without even thinking. Now the thing that's bothering me is that he didn't even say a word about that he loves me or at least likes me. We just had sex right away. Three fucking times!" I said as the irritation and agitation in me grew with each word.

The Perfect Imperfection(#Wattys2015)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ