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"You are one month pregnant with Shane's baby." Sarah spoke with hesitation as her grip on my arms tightened.

I couldn't process her words so I stared blankly at her.

"But Rachel it's okay. Don't worry allright, we all are here with you. We'll do something about it."

Sarah's words had started to make sense but I still didn't want to believe them. I started to walk backwards in disbelief. I felt as if I was about to faint. I stumbled to my feet but Harry held me.

"No......Sarah please no. Don't say this." I nodded in disbelief and horror. "It can't be. What will I do?" I said as the tears threatened my eyes and I trembled with fear.

Sarah and Shawn rushed towards me. Everything before my eyes started to blurr until I completely blacked out.


I woke up in my room and saw all of my friends standing in worry.

I processed the whole scene again and started to cry again. The tears ran down my eyes as Sarah tried to calm me down.

"Rachel please don't panic. It will be okay I promise you. Just trust me on this one. We have planned everything and it will go as planned. We have sorted it out." Sarah assured me as she rubbed by back.

"But my parents, they'll kill me. My dad , he won't spare me. I'm dead. Sarah please help me , Shawn , Harry anyone please help me."I pleaded in horror with trembling lips as tears ran down my eyes.

"Rachel please don't over think this. No one has to know and no one will. I assure you. Trust us on this." Harry said assurringly as he walked to me and wiped the tears off my eyes.

"He's right. We all are here with you and we won't let anyone harm you. Anyone." Shawn said as he walked towards me.

All of them tried to settle me down but I cried the entire time. It took them long to calm me down but they did it. I sat on my bed silent and only Sarah was there with me. The boys were in the lounge and I could hear them conversing.

"Look, I have a plan. It's simple and no one will know. We'll......abort the baby." Sarah spoke with hurt on her face as she sighed heavily.

I listened to her carefully as different thoughts still crossed my mind.

Sarah explained me the whole procedure and it was simple and seemed full proof.

"Yes. Yes. We'll abort the baby." I said hastily as I nodded. "Just take this thing out if me. I don't want it." I said in disbelief as I put my hands on my belly.

"Yes yes. Everything will be done as you want it. Just stay calm." Sarah said as she held my hands.

"I'm fine. I'll get through this. It's okay." I said trying to gain confidence in my voice and took a deep breath.

"Do you want me to stay?" Sarah asked glancing at the clock. It was about 3:00am.

"No no. You go back home I'm doing fine." I assured her.

She was reluctant at first but I managed to convince her to go back because I didn't want her dad to create a fuss for her. Although he didn't care if Sarah was home or not but you never know when he changed his mind.

Alll of them came into my room and ensured me that everything wad going to be all right. I also assured them that I would be okay but Harry and Sarah were still in doubt.

"Rachel don't do something stupid okay?" Harry said with worry as he hugged me.

"Don't worry, I won't." I tried to assure him.

The Perfect Imperfection(#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now