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It was a sunny day but the breeze that blew was still cold against my skin. It reminded me that it was still cold.

I saw Shane and a little baby girl crawling in the garden. Shane was too crawling along with her and coaxing her whenever she dropped flat on the ground when she felt tired. Shane chuckled whenever she fell but then always picked her up and kissed her chubby cheeks.

"Hi mommy!" Shane said with an amused smile and lit up face as he shouted playfully raising the baby's little hand waving at me.

I smiled and waving back I walked to them. The baby had started to get restless on my presence because she never got over of being in her mommy's arms. She jumped up and down in his arms trying to catch my attention to hold her. I leaned forward but instantly Shane moved her away from me playfully and teased the poor, little baby girl in his arms like always.

"No! No mommy, I'm going to eat your little fingers and then I'm going to......." Shane said in a fake evil accent and by now the baby had already started to nag and get irritated by daddy's acting and tease. "Eat you all up!" He said loudly but playfully as he started to softly bite her cheek and then  the very next second she wasn't nagging no more but she was crying in fear and irritation loudly.

Shane laughed with her little fingers in his mouth and he grunted on purpose to scare her.

"Shane! Stop! She's crying. Shane!" I snapped trying to control the laughter inside me but then in response he turned to me and started to try the evil little accent on me.

"I will eat your mommy now! Aaa!" Shane held my waist with one arm and then the hand travelled up my hair and tilting my head on one side he bit me on the neck and grunted again on purpose to scare the baby in his hold. He chuckled  against my skin enjoying the scene to it's full.

She shrieked and screamed with now tears falling from her little, black and beady eyes. Shane actually bit me and ran his tongue up and down my neck. I knew he was hunting down two preys with one spear: firstly he wanted to irritate the baby and tease her while secondly he never missed a chance of trying to turn me on. Oh, my unpredictable Shane.

"I know what you're doing daddy." I said with my hands in his hair trying to pull  away from his firm grip.

"Umm hmm?" He made a sound against my neck and I felt his hot breath on my now hot skin.

The baby was still screaming and moving vigorously in his arms trying to break free. It was like he didn't care because with the baby's movement in his arm he still didn't move an inch.

Just after a second he pulled away from me and rose the baby higher to the sky and tossed her upwards. My heart sank and expressions changed to fear and worry. He caught her when she came down towards him. The baby had stopped crying but now she started to laugh when she and daddy developed a rhythm between them. Every time Shane tossed her upwards, my heart leaped to my throat.

"Sorry. But how can daddy help when you're so yummy, huh?" Shane said as he kissed the baby's nose that crinkled at his chaste kiss.

I looked at them with shane speaking to her and she gave away funny and adorable expressions in response of whatever her little brain could process. I laughed at this sight and tears pooled out of my eyes.

I woke up from the moisture and wetness on my face. It was just a dream and I was weeping in my sleep.

"Oh God. Why do I keep having such dreams? The more I try to forget you, the more I remember you." I sat in my bed and ran my hands through my hair.

I caressed my now a quite prominent belly. Well it had been seven months since I was pregnant. One day or another it had to be shown.

Yeah of course. An eighteen year old with a bump and of course it doesn't mean an end to the career and life. Go on you'll be fine mommy!

The Perfect Imperfection(#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now