Part 4

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I was still daydreaming about what happened when I was pulled inside. I was greeted by a group of angry faces.
"What did you do?" Spike was angry. Without his words I had already noticed. His hair wasn't up. It was sticking out in all points.
"Cove, what did you do?" Spark grabbed a knife. I didn't feel in danger. I knew I should have at that point. I pushed the box in Spike his hands.
"I pulled a all-nighter making these. I thought it was a great idea to sell these as a special event thing. Unless you all had a better idea. Excuse me when I go do my job." I pushed passed them. Where did I get that from? A shot of adrenaline rushed trough my veins. I felt like I could do anything. I rushed to my spot. Safe behind the piles of tickets that needed sorting. The only thing holding me back from doing anything was my job. Doing what I did best.
"Tell me you didn't stay up all night to back cookies out of this sour patch kids." Spike leaned on the counter beside me. He looked less taller standing there. The counter here was higher on the ground. It made everyone standing close to it seem smaller than they really were. I couldn't tell him I had done it. He seemed upset by something and I hoped I wasn't the blame for it.
"Because that is the most crazy idea ever." He laughed the words. I pulled out a stack of tickets. They weren't in the right order. Every damn time. They should have a special box that helps them put it in the right order. They weren't going to do that. Spike had finally stopped laughing when he noticed I was not even smiling.
"You don't speak a lot do you?" He walked around the counter. Of course I didn't. Why would I? There wouldn't be anyone to hear me anyway..
"What are you hiding?" Spike came closer. Too close almost.. I wanted to yell at him. i wanted to kick him in a certain spot. I could smell his breath. For the first time in a long time. It smelled of smoke. The heavy kind. I took a couple of steps to the side. My steps created a space between us. But for me it didn't feel big enough.
"Everything alright here?" Spark jumped from the corner. Thank the lords she was her now.
"Nothing your snot filled nose should know. Keep it out of my business." Spike turned to his cousin. The space between us became bigger. I focused back on the pile of tickets. There was enough for me to do instead of listening to those two chatting about how much they hated one another.

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