Part 26

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Here he was. Right before me. Making a deal. What was the deal going to be about? I was not going to reject him immediately. I needed to know what I had to do to get that to happen.

"And what do I have to do for that?" I dared ask. I was happy with the offer. I really was, but I was scared to hear what I needed to do for it.

"I have to go on a trip with those friends of mine." I jumped up from the couch.

"That is not happening." I walked to the kitchen . Only to get some distance form him. This wasn't what I had planned. "I am not going to spend all that time with those people you have to call friends."

"But hear me out." Oakley was half leaning over the side of the couch to get my attention. "They are all bring their girlfriends. I can't be left out." So he had showed me to his friends. Now they wanted to go on a vacation? I looked around my kitchen. What was I going to do? I owned one to Spark. She had covered for me. She had helped me out with so many things.

"You get a compleet free trip. My friends and I are paying for everything and in exchange I'll put your friend in one of my pieces. No one has to know about it." He was now leaning over the back of my couch. Only to follow me a little while I moved around. He would put Spark in a piece. Make her a part of it. That wasn't good enough for me. There had to be another deal.

"You must be sick of all those fans following you. How about we change the deal?" He had nodded at my words and looked surprised when I finally offered him my deal.

"I'll fake date with you. Go out with those friends of yours and everything that comes with it. You get my friend on stage. And you make her a leading part. Not just some random character without a name." I blurred out. It was a crazy deal, but i had to make it up to Spark for all those years of helping me. And this was my chance. I had stopped moving around and stood before Oakley now. He reached his hand out to me. To close the deal. He agreed on it. He had held my hand before, but this was different. This was closing a faith. I reached out an grabbed his hand. This wasn't a joke to both of us. This was a faith we had sealed in seconds. His hand felt warm against mine. Bigger. It felt like a part of my life was ending. And a new one was beginning

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