Part 22

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We ended waking him up the easy way. Oakley wasn't happy with it. He got up and followed me outside.

"What are we doing here?" He wasn't happy with the sunlight hitting him. Nether was I. I took us a while to get used to the light. I couldn't leave him to himself, but I knew I had to do it.

"Doctor told me you need to take these." I said, not answering his question. I handed him one of the bottles. Of course I kept the pain killers in my pocket.

"What? No painkillers?" He turned the bottle in his hand. He pretended to read the label again and again. As if he had no clue what hese pills were for.

"You take those first. If you really need those you can find me." I turned on my heels and made my way to god knows where. Anywhere to be honest. I made sure I made it clear I wasn't joking with him. I wasn't going to let him get away with this. The sound of footsteps followed. He was going to follow me. I was sure of it.

"So where are we going?" He asked. The Oakley I had seen last night was gone. No where to be found.

"WE are not going anywhere. I am going to work." I lied to his face. There was no way I was going to work. Not looking like this. I was going to go home. After all. This was my day off.

"I should apologize about last night. That happens sometimes." He almost laughed his own words away. I turned back to him. He almost crashed into me.

"You don't have to apologize. Take those pills. I'll see you tomorrow." He half smiled at the word tomorrow. He thought.. "At work." I finished my line. He didn't seem that happy about those words. I turned again and without another word I left for the tub. The most early one would come soon. Probably before the sun would come up.


I rushed to my apartment. I had no idea how fast I got there, but it was probably the fastest time ever. I had no idea if I might have made it to my bed. I was off to sleep in seconds.

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