Mated SOUL (One Direction BoyLove Fanfiction)

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COPYRIGHT © 2015 Fhrell Cee. All Rights Reserved.

“Niall, you are mine… I’ve marked you mine,” Harry’s hand clasped on the Irish’s boys arm.

They were a lone in the locker area since the bell had long rung signifying the start of a new subject.

“Harry, stop this madness,” Niall pulled his hand away from boy with curly hair. “I am not your boyfriend. Don’t act like a jealous lover, because were not together.”

“Niall,” Harry’s voice echoed in the hall as he called but the Irish boy didn’t look back at him. Niall only continued to walk until he felt Harry’s arms on his waist and then pushed him lightly on a wall.

“We are meant to be together, you and I.” Harry put his arms on both side of the white haired boy. “I am your soul mate… my mated half, why can’t you understand that. And I don’t want my mate near that blood sucking Liam Payne.” He sniffed on Niall’s neck which made the boy shiver.

“He rubs his disgusting smell on you.”

“Stop this Harry,” Niall pushed his captor but Harry was stronger, much stronger. “I don’t believe in soul mates or whatever madness this is. I’m not even attracted to you. I’m not gay Harry!”

Harry didn’t speak anything more and Niall just tried pushing at the guy… until he saw the determination in Harry’s eyes. He knew there was no convincing Harry that his idea was mad, seriously mad!

Then he saw Harry’s pinkish lips moving closer to his face… to his lips. Niall gulped and he knew what the guy was planning, he knew what was coming. And then it happened…

Harry let their lips met; it was just a light contact at first until Harry started to take Niall’s lower lip in between his own, licking it with his tongue.

Niall felt a delicious warmth and softness and though his mind was telling him to stop, to push the boy away from him, his lips did the opposite.

He kissed back. He parted his lips and Harry took that as an invitation to enter his mouth. Harry pushed his tongue inside Niall’s mouth exploring it. The curly haired boy seduced Niall’s tongue out sucking it with his playful lip.

Niall even snaked his hands around Harry’ neck to move their lips much closer, and a grunt of disappointment came from Niall’s lips when Harry pulled away from the kiss.

“Is that how you’re not attracted to me?” Harry had an arrogant smirk playing on his lips.

Niall turned red avoiding Harry’s eyes and pushed the guy away, still Harry didn’t budge.

“Well, you can continue to play hard to get my Niall, but that kiss answered everything for me.” Harry whispered letting his lips slightly brush Niall’s ears.

“And soon, I’ll have your body answer like that too.” Harry released his hold on Niall. “But remember… I don’t want you near that Liam Payne, or I might be forced to make some drastic measures.”

Harry winked still with a wide grin on his face as he walked away leaving a red faced Niall leaning on the wall.  

What just happened to me? Niall slapped his face but still he couldn’t get over what happened. He kissed Harry, a boy… and he responded… he liked it. This is mad!

(Just an excerpt, a Teaser if you will)


COPYRIGHT © 2015 Fhrell Cee. All Rights Reserved.

Niall saw them coming. He saw them in a dream, a wolf who changed into a boy and another boy whose skin is as pale as ice. But he never thought they would really come to him.   

And now they are here, in Woodbridge, and they want nothing less than to take Niall with them, to own him.

And they didn’t come alone.

More dreams came. A woman and a man both with silver hair in flowing white dress keeps coming to Niall in his dreams whispering omens and warnings.

So when everyone around you wanted your blood, there’s only one person you can trust. It’s the one who will give you his heart, your MATED SOUL.

But will you be able to tell, who?


This is a FANFICTION. The names were taken from ONE DIRECTION members but has NO REAL CONNECTION with the actual people mentioned. They were only made as inspiration by the author. All the incidents do not exist outside the imagination of the author.


COPYRIGHT © 2015 Fhrell Cee

All Rights Reserved. No parts of this story may be reproduced or transmitted in whole or in part by any form or means, electronic or mechanical or other means, now known or hereinafter invented including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the author.


The photos used as cover and any other media material are NOT UNDER the author's copyright. They are owned by their respective copyright owner, it was found in the internet without any copyright notice and so usage was made in the assumption that it is OPEN SOURCED. If  by any chance you own the copyright for any photo used, please message the author so that appropriate actions may be made immediately.


I AM NOT ENGLISH… so I am not sure if the way I state things is CORRECT, but please excuse my errors.




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