Chapter 5

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They all agreed to come to Everglen to brainstorm what they're going to with the unexpected situation that went their way.

Biana was still upstairs, fixing Sophie's belongings while Fitz was busy discussing with Alden about what just happened.

Dex has pretty much explained to Tam and Linh what happened and they were both determined to bring back Sophie's memories.

Keefe was just sitting there, absentmindedly looking at the sky.

"Okay, I got Sophie's things now. We should probably leap together when Fitz comes." Biana said, holding Sophie's bagpack. Just as she was about to sit, her imparter, flashing Sophie's names in curves and loops.

"Oh, this is so cool!" Sophie said the moment Biana accepted it. To be honest, it wasn't what she was expecting to hear.

"Sophie?" Biana said. That caught everyone's attention around her, making them squeeze next to her to see the image from the imparter.

"So hey!" She said. "I was looking for something to wear and then this mirror with a face said you have some of my things and- don't get your hopes high, I don't remember you yet- but I remembered you were there earlier. So I guess we really do know each other, huh."

Biana's spirit diminished a little when she heard that Sophie still doesn't remember her, or anyone at all. But, she was glad she wasn't pushing them away, since she has all the right to do so.

"Actually, we were just about to leap to your house today, so like, do you mind?" Biana asked, hoping yes for an answer.

"Of course not! It's too quiet in here and I need someone to talk to anyways. I mean, someone's talking in my head right now, I think I hit my head so hard gosh, I just don't know." She said laughing.

"Talking in her head? That must be a transmission, from Fitz, maybe?" Dex said. They looked back and saw no signs of Fitz leaving the mansion, so it's possible.

"What is the voice saying?" Biana asked.

"Umm, the voice keeps calling me. Am I mentally ill now?" She asked, hoping someone could tell her what was going on.

"How does telepathy works?" Biana whispered to the group.

"I think you need to focus on the person's mind then transmit?" Keefe shrugged, technically not the best person to ask.

"Oh, then Sophie can't answer Fitz back, she doesn't know him- yet." Linh added.

"Sophie, can you try imagining making a barrier in your mind?" Biana suggested. She heard it from someone- probably her brother, that human thoughts are loud so they create a 'shield' to help them stop from automatically picking it up.

Sophie's brows furrowed as she looks like she was trying what the girl suggested. "Oh! So that's the trick! Thanks! I'll be waiting for you here." She said as the call was cut.

As soon as the call ended, they saw Fitz walking closer to them. He looked dejected, but at the same time, hopeful.

"You do know that Sophie doesn't know, or remember how to use her abilities, right?" Tam said, which made Fitz flinch.

Bullseye. They all thought.

"How did you-"

"Sophie called me. She's waiting for us at Havenfield. Let's go." Biana cut him off as they all walked towards the Leapmaster.

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