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Inside of the Black Bull's Hideout, Y/n sat with the rest of his Squad, shocked as he and the others waited for food.


Asta: "I guess that's what happened when someone with so much Magic like you, uses it all and then gets Stabbed in the Gut by a giant crystal."

Y/n: "I-I guess you're right. Guess healing wounds doesn't recover stamina, man I'm useless."

Noelle: "Ugh! Must everything be so dramatic for you?"

Vanessa: "AhHaHa. Our poor Noelle, she was so worried Kiddo, I don't know how many times she came to check up on you."

Noelle: "I! Have no idea what you're talking about, I wasn't worried! I was just wondering what would happen if he never woke up, that's all."

Finral: "Hate to tell you, but that's exactly what worrying means."

Y/n: "You Checked up on me, Noelle? T-That's super nice, t-thanks."

Noelle: "Tch! Whatever!"

Magna: "Well, you obviously needed the rest. Cause from what I can tell, your magics back to being a Crazy, Uncontrollable Wild Fire!"

Noelle: "I still think a whole week is a little excessive."

Gauche: "Enough of this boring Chitchat. Think of my Goddess Marie. Would she enjoy such dull conversations? Not one bit, I need something interesting to tell her, like a story, I only have Thirty Two Hundred and Ten left."

Finral: "That not enough to tide her over for a while? How many stories does one girl need?"

Luck finished drinking some milk before he turned towards Y/n with a large smile on his face.

Luck: "Now that your magic's back, are you ready to take me on? Can we fight again? Come on, Bring out that awesome new Devil's Surge Buster Sword and let's duke it out!"

Y/n: "Maybe later. First I've gotta eat, and then I've gotta do 7 days worth of Working out in 1 Day."

Y/n said with a tired look on his face, causing Luck to gain a saddened expression on his own face, before he quickly went back to being eternally happy. After that happened, Charmy began walking in with a mass of cotten sheep chefs holding up trays of meat.

Charmy: "I hope you brought your appetite! Because the Sheep Cooks have brought a Banquet!"



/n yelled as they quickly began stuffing his face with the food Charmy brought.

Asta: "WOAHOO! GO Y/N!"

Noelle: "Slow down already! You'll hurt yourself! Here, drink this."

Y/n Mouth Full: "Thank You!"

Y/n then quickly drank the water, Noelle gave him, before he went right back to stuffing his face.

Noelle: "You are such a Pig."

Vanessa: "Oh come on! He needs that food to recover, how about some wine to wash it down?"

Noelle: "Like that'll help."

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