Chapter 14

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"Come on, Lunch! Faster!" Myra yelled at her rat. The animal was currently running for his life, an old golden ring with a big ruby on it in his mouth. The ring belonged to a man named Stromboli, he was short and pretty round for someone living on the Isle. His black beard and hair-which avoided the top of his skull- had started to show a lot of grey hairs. Myra didn't know a lot about the guy, only that he used to own a circus and that he somehow got a hold of a magical ring. This ring was part of a two part set. For the ring to work it had to be worn by the same person who was wearing a diamond spelt. Not knowing more than how it looked like or that small peace of vital information, Myra had tracked it down. Only Stromboli never took it off, unless he put it inside his volt. This volt was hidden between the cliffs on the outside of the Isle, only reachable by a path that was invisible if someone would pass by the area. 
     Myra had been able to follow Stromboli and find the volt, but she realized she wouldn't be able to sneak past him, nor hide in the cave for when he would come back and open it. So she had decided to let Lunch do the honour. He would follow the man, sneak into the volt, snatch the ring and run out. The little rat wouldn't be noticed crawling around in the dark. Only he was noticed when he snatched to ring from under Stromboli's nose and ran off. Lunch had reached the outside of the cave, but before Myra could get to the rat, Stromboli had come in between them. They had separated. Myra reached the top of a wooden shed and Lunch was trying to get there as well, with Stromboli right behind him. Determined to crush the little animal beneath his giant feet. But Stromboli's steps were small and his weight slowed him down.
     "Got ya, you little pest!" He yelled at Lunch when he stamped his boot down. But Lunch was faster, his tail barely escaping the brown leather of the boot before rushing inside a rain pipe that led right to Myra. 
     Myra took Lunch in her hands the moment she could and kissed the top of his head. "You're the best!" She told the animal while taking the ring from him and putting it around her finger. 
     "Give that back!" Stromboli yelled at the girl, clearly out of breath. Myra saluted before running off over the roofs, leaving Stromboli behind.  

     It didn't take long for Myra to reach the front door of her boss's cave. The big gate with a skull on it did look pretty intimidating, but Myra had gotten used to it after so many moths of delivery and playing guard dog. The only thing inside the cave that did still scare her, was Hades himself. Not because he was particularly a scary guy, no, after getting to know him Myra wasn't intimidated by who he was. The thing that scared her was what he could do to her soul. 
     Taking a deep breath, Myra used her key to open the gate and stepped inside. The further she walked away from the entrance, the more the light faded and how harder it became to see. Yeah, there were helmets with lamps one could use, but Myra preferred to train her eyes to see in the dark. Lunch, who's eyesight was way better that his companion's, didn't even bother to come out of her pocket and help her. He felt like he had already done enough for one day. 
     Ignoring the recording of a barking, three headed dog, Myra walked into the big open space of the cave, where Hades was messing with something that looked like a guitar. The moment he saw movement in the corner of his eye he looked up. "Ah!" He exclaimed while dropping the instrument on the floor and walking to her. "Mirabella! There you are, my favorite henchman. My favorite little, rotten soul! How did it go? Did you get me my present?" 
     Myra looked down at her feet, Hades just a few inches away from her. "I... um... Couldn't get to it..." The girl said in a soft voice, rubbing her arm. 
     "What!" Hades yelled. "Even with a mind controlling flute, you weren't able to strip an old, fat guy from one ring?" 
     Myra chuckled, walking further into the room. "Just kidding," she turned around to face Hades again. "Catch." Without fail, Hades caught the ring with the ruby stone out of the air. He examined it, realizing it was the real deal he rushed to a cabinet, threw it open and put it with it's counterpart. 
     "You're not gonna try it out?" Myra asked, sitting down on the railing of the couch. 
     "Course I am, just not with your prying eyes around." Hades pushed Myra off of his couch with one movement of his arm. "No rats on the furniture." Myra rolled her eyes. "Like the new outfit, by the way." The blue haired man changed the subject. Myra had indeed changed her clothes. Partly at least. she had gotten rid of the hat, there also were no puffy pants anymore, instead she had dark brown skinny jeans, of course still with her knee high boots that had green lines at the edges. She still wore a green corset and the same long coat, but no white blouse or puffy sleeves. No, instead, there were brown, leather arm guards that started just above her wrists and stuck slightly out above her elbows in a point. Just like her boots, there were green edges to it, together with small, wavy patters of rats and music notes which where only visible if you looked close enough. To finish the look, Myra had added a big, brown belt with the same pattern as the arm guards around her waist. Of course she had changed her hair as well. Instead of one, big braid, the girl had just one braid left on the back of her head that held most of her hair out of her face, except for two bigger strings at the front that framed her face. And of course she still had a lot of green strings spread through her natural dark blond. It will be no surprise to anyone that Dizzy was the one who had fixed her hair.
     "You're really not getting rid of the long coat?" 
     "Are you really not getting rid of the mohawk?"
     "Hey guys!" A new voice came from the entrance of the room, the voice of a young girl. "What yu'all talking about?" The girl that had joined them was Celia, the daughter of Dr. Facilier. Her explosion of curls bouncing on her head as she made her way to join the others. Just like Myra, she was working for Hades, getting him what he needed. But unlike her, Celia's soul was still her own. 
     "Nothing much," Myra spoke up. "Just that I'm his favorite courier." 
     Celia rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Well, duh. You're his property." Celia knew Hades owned Myra's soul, but hadn't told anyone else as far as Myra knew. And for that she was grateful
     Myra folded her arms, glaring at the now grinning girl. Celia knew it was a sensitive topic, but that didn't stop her from making her comebacks.
     "Ladies, ladies." Hades spoke up, taking a few cans of food from Celia as he continued. "No need to fight, there's enough of my hate to go around." 
     "Ow, thank Zeus!" Myra exclaimed, placing her hand over her heart, faking her relief.
     Hades's light mood changed immediately, dark eyes glaring at Myra. "Never." He growled, slowly clenching his right hand. "Say that name." The more Hades's hand closed, a soft, blue glow formed on Myra's skin, forming chains around her wrists and neck. The brighter they become the more they started to burn. Fortunately for Myra, they were on the Isle. Hades's magic barely worked, so he had to let go before he could do any damage. Non the less, Myra flinched and reached for the one around her throat. "Don't forget," Hades said, letting his hand move through Myra's hair. "I own you." Myra nodded, biting down on her tongue to not say a word. Taking this as confirmation, Hades turned around. "Great! You two can leave now." 

     Celia and Myra made their way back out of the cave, walking side by side. Unlike Myra, Celia had brought a helmet lamp, lighting the way for the both of them.
     "I watched you." Celia spoke up. "You and Lunch, running from the fat guy. It would have been easier if you had used your flute." 
     Myra shrugged, "yeah, but it's no fun that way." 
     Celia shook her head, laughing lightly. "You're crazy." 
     "Thanks, I've been working on it." 
     Another short chuckle came from Celia, followed by a sigh. "I get it, better enjoy it now you still can." 
     This made Myra look up at the young girl with crossed eyebrows. "What do you mean?" 
     "VK day?" Celia questioned back, as if Myra had missed something obvious. "It's tomorrow. I've got my form ready. I really want to leave this place, but I guess stealing isn't aloud in Auradon. Well, as long as you don't get caught you should be save, right?" Celia stopped talking when she noticed Myra wasn't beside her anymore. "Myra?" 
     The girl snapped out of her mind, quickly joining Celia's side again. "VK day is next week, Cee." 
     "No, it isn't. It's tomorrow." 
     "I'm pretty sure it's next week." 
     Celia scoffed, fishing something out of her pocket and shoving it in Myra's. "Ding- dong, you're wrong." The girl sang while she continued her way. 
     Myra stared at the piece of paper, it was one of the leaflets that hung all around the Isle. And indeed, VK day wasn't next week, but the very next day. A loud groan escaped Myra's lips. "No, no, no, no! It can't be tomorrow. I still have so much to do, I can't leave. I don't even know if I want to..." The Pied Piper's daughter mumbled to herself and hadn't considered the possibility that Celia could still hear her. Which she could. 
     "Don't be so stressed out," the girl said. "They haven't announced who are coming anyway, maybe it's not your turn yet."
     "But it is..." Myra said without thinking. "I've had my invitation weeks ago. I told them I would come, but now... I thought I had another week to decide. Ugh!" 
     Celia had made her way through the gate with Myra short after her. "Can't say I'm surprised." She said with a deep sigh. "You always were their favorite. And let me guess, Dizzy can come as well?" When Myra didn't respond, Celia continued. "Are you even aloud to leave?"
     "What do you mean?" 
     "Well, since Hades owns your soul and all, is he cool with it?" 
     Myra's eyes widened as she started to whisper yell at the girl in front of her. "He doesn't know and he can not find out, do you understand?" Celia smirked at Myra, but when Myra grabbed her shoulders and shook her, the smirk disappeared. "Celia!"
     "Fine! Fine, jeez." Myra let go and Celia straightened her clothes. 
     "Thank you." The dark blond said through a reluctant sigh. "I'm off, see you later, Cee."
     As Myra walked away, she couldn't see the mischievousness look in Celia's eyes as she turned back around to face the iron skull. 


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