Chapter 20

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Green. As far as she could see, Myra saw green. Unlike on the Isle of the Lost, where the grass was dor and brown and the trees and bushes had barely any leaves to speak of, Auradon was filled with green. The Grass, leaves, bushes, plants- so much green. And every now and then, there were beautifully colored flowers. Even though Myra absolutely loved the sweet smelling flowers, she loved the trees the most.
     While the group was making it's way to Auradon Prep, Myra was looking around, stopping almost every few feet to look at another tree or flower, which got on the nerves of her friends and allies.
     Lunch seemed to enjoy the new environment just as much, jumping from Myra's shoulder on a nearby tree to explore the world on his own height.
     When Myra's eyes fell on yet another new plant, the girl knelt beside it. It was pretty small, with pinkish petals that formed some kind of puffy ball. Careful not to break it's stam, Myra let her fingers feel the petals.
     "Myra," the annoyed voice of Jay spoke up. "There's no time to look at everything. We're in a hurry."
     Myra glared up at him, but knowing he was right she stood up again. "Fine!" She whined. "Lunch, com'n boy, we gotta go." But Lunch didn't come. Worry shot through the young woman, looking around frantically for her companion. "Lunch?" She tried again, a bit louder this time. But still he didn't come. Even more worried then before, Myra started walking back, looking at every tree and every branch. "Lunch!"
     "Myra-" Carlos spoke up, wanting to stop her but too late to. He and Jay being the only two still behind to notice Myra turning around. Exchanging one quick look the two followed the blonde girl. Knowing she would get lost if they left her.
     "Myra, we need to keep going." Jay tried to reason with her.
     "If you wanne keep going don't let me stop you." Myra said not unkindly. The girl wasn't going to leave without her companion. Something Carlos understood.
     "We'll help you look."
     "We will?" Jay asked his friend with raised eyebrows and a slightly clenched jaw.
     Carlos shot Jay a glare, "yes, we will."
     But Myra was unaware of the dubbel conversation that was taking place between the two. The only thing she was focust on was finding Lunch.
     When after five minutes they still hadn't found him, Jay spoke up. "Can't you use your flute or something?"
     "My flute only works when I can see who I'm using it on."
     Jay scoffed, "I'm pretty sure I remember your father didn't need-"
     "Well, I'm not my father." Myra bit at the boy. Who was getting ready for a comeback when Carlos came in between.
     "Guys! Guys, look." The two followed Carlos' gaze up to the branch of a tree. It was moving. The leaves violently shaking along, the rustling getting louder with every movement.
     "Is that a bird?" Myra asked, but before anyone could answer something shot out of the leaves towards them. Carlos let out a short scream as he jumped back, grabbing Jay's arm. Myra flinched, but saw the projectile wasn't heading for them, but the tree trunk.
     Myra let out a relieved sigh when she recognized the white fur and red eyes. "Lunch, you scared Carlos." She said with a smile. The girl reached for her rat, but a second thing shot through the branches and rushed to Lunch. The rat noticed before the others and ran away, climbing down the tree and running over the ground. Myra took a step back, startled by the creature that was chasing her pet. It didn't take long for Lunch to climb up Myra's leg and took place on the girl's shoulder. His heart pounding against his little rib cage, so hard the Pied Piper's daughter could feel it on her shoulder.
     The other creature wasn't done though. But instead of running on Myra as well, it climbed back on the tree until it reached Lunch's height and stopped. Keeping it's eyes focust on the albino rat. It was a small creature with pointy ears, red fur covered it's skin. It's body was the same size as Lunch, except for the tail, which was the same length of it's body and very, very fluffy.
     "What the hell is this creature?" Myra asked, leaning forward to examine the animal up close. It's eyes were black and round, it's nose moved fast with every breath, reminding her of Lunch.
     "That's a squirrel." Carlos answered, finding amusement in the young woman's amazement with the little creature.
     "Do they eat rats?"
     Myra's question got the two boys to start laughing, which she didn't take very well. Growling, she clenched her fists and stomped away, back into the direction they had come from.
     "Wait, Mee-" Carlos wanted to tell her not to be mad, but Myra didn't want to listen. It wasn't her fault she didn't know anything about Auradon. She's never even seen a healthy tree before. Besides, the squirrel had been chasing Lunch, so why was her question apparently so ridicules that the two just had to laugh about it?
     It didn't take long for the three of them to rejoin the group, right as they exited the forest and walked into an open field. It was a courtyard of sorts. Multiple white tables and chairs were spread around the open space. At every table there were sleeping people. Mostly young boys and girls, either leaning back in their chairs, laying on the tables or outstretched in the grass. 
     "They're all asleep." Mal spoke up, looking around. "Everyone." While Mal, Evie and Carlos tried something on their phones, Myra joined Uma's side. Of course her cousin noticed her irritated mood. 
     "What happened to you?" She asked with slight amusement. 
     Myra sighed in annoyance, "stupid guys with their expectations." Was all the girl said about the situation. 
     "I can't get Ben." Mal started, followed by Evie. 
     "Or Dizzy or Doug."
     "Or Jane." Carlos chimed in. "The signal's out." More worry went through the group of Auradon students while the Pirates were more occupied with their new surroundings. 
     "Is that Auradon Prep?" Celia questioned, pointing at something Myra couldn't see from where she stood. The building hidden behind the trees and bushes.
     "Yeah." Carlos answered. "When everybody wakes up you're going to love it." 
     Curious to the school as well, Myra walked past the plants. Her eyes grew wider as she stared at the building. She had expected something more modest than an entire stone castle. Blue and yellow banners hung from the walls, each one of them set with golden thread. Ivy grew on the walls and all different kinds of flowers decorated the garden that led up to the front gate. 
     "Everything is so..." 
     "Freaky?" Jay tried to finish Myra's sentence, but Myra shook her head. 
     "Green." Gil spoke up, earning nods from Myra while she walked over to Harry who was examining a table with two sleeping girls. "You have leaves on your trees," the son of Gaston continued talking to Jay. "And what are those colored things on the bushes?" 
     "Uh..." Jay was getting a little confused by the lack of knowledge of this guy. "Flowers?"
     "Flowers are pretty." 
     Myra shook her head with a small smile because of Gil. "Planning on waking them up with a kiss?" Myra said to Harry. "Who knows; maybe you'll become a hero." There was a certain amount of ridicule placed around the word hero, but it did get Harry to turn to her. 
     "Jealous, Love?" He said with a smirk, leaning closer to her. Myra pushed hard against Harry's chest, getting him to stumble backwards a bit, but the smirk didn't leave his lips.
     "Myra!" The enthusiastic voice of Gil got the girl's attention. 
     "What?" She walked back over to Jay and Gil. Gil was stuffing his face with some squishy, dark red balls. The boy offered the blue bowl with the things in it to Myra, they weren't just dark read but also a light green. She recognized them as some kind of fruit. Curious, Myra took one and ate it. Just like the gumball she got from Evie before, this was sweet as well, but with a slightly sour tang to it. Seeing the weird look on Jay's face as he stared at Gil stuffing his mouth with the things, Myra spoke up. "We don't have any fresh fruit on the Isle, remember?" The weird look got replaced with guilt and something that reminded Myra of pity. 
     "They're grapes." Jay eventually said to Gil as Myra gave one of the things to Lunch. 
     "Grapes?" Gil repeated while Jay walked away. Leaving Myra and Gil to their food. "I love grapes."
     The word got Myra to think back to what Ben had told her that day in the Cabin of their ship. Carlos thought she would like the taste of grapes. Again he had been right, she did like the taste. But that didn't mean the King's words had been the truth. Hesitant, Myra let her eyes fall on Carlos, he was still busy with his phone, trying to reach someone. Jane. That's the name he had said before. Making the girl wonder who that was.
     "Guys!" The voiced of Mal and Uma ripped her from her thoughts. The two had been speaking to Harry and Jay, who were standing threateningly close together. Harry's back was turned to them, but Myra's eyes met Jay's for a split second before he quickly turned back to Harry. His jaw was clenched, something she recognized from their past as a sign of suppressed irritation and anger. Then, without another word, Jay walked away. Myra rolled her eyes before turning her attention to Uma, who also seemed annoyed. 
     Myra's attention got drawn to something walking to them. A brown dog, wearing a leather jacket who apparently hadn't been hit by the sleeping curse. "Dude!" Carlos exclaimed happily as he made his way to the animal. "Do you know what happened here?" The boy asked the animal, earning some raised eyebrows from Uma and Myra. 
     "Yup." The word had come from the dog, making Myra jump a little, not expecting the animal to talk back. But then she remembered the talking dog from the docks in the Isle. "Audrey showed up. She put everybody to sleep. And then she turned some of them-"
     "Guys." Evie interrupted the talking dog. Myra hadn't noticed the girl walking away from them, but now saw the dark blue haired girl was standing by some kind of human statue. Looking at it with horror. "Hannah turned to stone." Everyone joined Evie's side, taking a better look at the statue. The tension that already had been there became worse. This Audrey girl really was a treat. 
     "All right. Everybody stay on their toes." Jay warned the group. 
     "Look," Uma spoke up. "Since we're here, let's check out the school." Harry, Gil, Myra and Celia were about to follow her, but Mal stopped them.
     "No. Audrey went straight for the crown, so I think it's safe to assume that she's gonna go for Ben and his castle next. That's where we'll go."
     "Say's who?" Uma challenged her rival, facing Mal. Who wasn't impressed.
     "Says me."
     "Says you? And that's supposed to mean something to me?"
     "Guys." This time it were Evie and Myra who spoke up at the same time. Mal turned to look at Evie, while Uma turned to shoot Myra an annoyed look. But Myra wouldn't have it and raised her eyebrows, silently communicating that this was an unnecessary discussion. Giving in to their friends, Uma and Mal rolled their eyes and stopped.
     "To the castle." Mal said again, this time both groups followed her without audible protest. 



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