Episode 2 - Nightmares

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~HomeWorld: A Year After Arrival~

It was midnight on HomeWorld, the dark sky was lit with the lights of the restless gem city. Spinel twists and turns in her sleep waking up Y/N.

Spinel: n-no...help...

Y/N: *yawns then speaks in a whisper* Spinel? 

Spinel holds onto his arm tight while shaking as she whimpers in her sleep.

Spinel is seen running through an all too familiar garden. She screams for Y/N with a terrified expression as a multitude of dead vines reach their way towards her. She screams as the vines grab her legs and start to drag her back to where she stood for all those years. Spinel wakes up screaming as Y/N quickly holds her.

Y/N: *quickly speaks* Hey, hey, hey, it's okay. It's okay. I've got you. Remember, deep breaths.

She quickly wraps her arms around him clinging to him, desperate for him to stay.

Spinel: Y-you're here! You didn't leave me...

He slightly pulls back and puts his hand to her cheek. She leans her face against it as he wipes away her tears.

Y/N: Never Spinel...*kisses her on the forehead* Never.

Spinel: I-I love you...

Y/N: *smiles* I love you too.

The two share a brief moment of silence as they hold each other in the unlit room.

Spinel: *rests her head on his chest* I don't know if I can go back to sleep.

Y/N: That's okay. *brief pause* Hey, why don't we head to Beach City? We could get some pizza or something.

Spinel: *grows a small smile* *sniff* That sounds nice.

Y/N gets out of bed and looks at Spinel extending his hand to her, she smiles and takes it. The two leave their room and begin to walk down the palace corridors. They come upon the throne room and see Yellow and Blue talking with each other. Blue looks at them with a smile and waves.

Blue: Oh! Hello you two! You've been in your room for hours, were you two "sleeping"?

Y/N: Uh...*laughs a little* Yeah?

Yellow: I still don't understand why you humans do that, it seems pointless.

Y/N: *shrugs* It's fun, you should try it sometime.

Yellow: I'll pass.

Y/N: your loss. *brief pause* Well Spinel and I are gonna head to Earth for a while, We'll see you two later!

Spinel: *waves* Bye Blue! Bye Yellow!

Blue: Bye you two be safe! Tell Steven we said hello!

Yellow: Bye, Spinel.

They say their goodbyes and leave. As the two walk to the warp pad, Y/N speaks up.

Y/N: Hey Spinel? *she looks at him* I don't think Yellow really like me being here.

Spinel: What? Don't be silly of course she does! *Y/N gives her a "are you sure about that" look *
O-okay maybe just a little bit, but I want you here so she'll just have to deal with it. *she gives a smug smirk*

Y/N: *laughs* Oh you little.

He picks Spinel up in a hug and spins her around while playfully kissing her neck and cheeks.

Spinel: *giggles* Stop it, that tickles!

Y/N: *smirks* Make me.

As the two love birds have their moment a peridot walks passed but suddenly stops and turns at them. The two freeze in place as the three stare at each other before the unknown peridot walks away.

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