Episode 9 - Training

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~A Few Days later in the Floating Sky Arena~

Steven: Alright I've never really trained anyone before so this is going to be new for me.

Pearl: Don't worry, you'll do great. This will be a learning experience for both of you.

Y/N: Yeah dude I'm excited!

As Steven and Y/N walk to the center of the arena they can see a warp pad stream in the distance. Running can be heard as Spinel enters the arena.

Spinel: Sorry I'm late! *she runs up to Y/N and kisses him on the cheek* I was talkin' with Garnet.

Y/N: Oh? Should I even ask?

Spinel: Nope! *she giggles and runs to the side and sits down*

Y/N: *looks at Steven* Should I be worried?

Steven: *laughs* No, they were probably just talking about couple things.*the two walks to a row of statues*  Alright, first we should probably see what your gem abilities are at right now. *he looks at Pearl, she smiles and gives him a thumbs up*  Bismuth made us some test dummies for you to use.

Y/N looks at the four blank statues set up next to each other in front of him then back to Steven.

Steven: Punch one.

Y/N: What?

Steven: Just punch one as hard as you can.

Y/N: Uh, okay? 

He readies his fist and punches the statue. A cracking sound comes from his wrist and he grabs it causing Steven to cringe at the sound. 

Y/N: Ow! FU- *looks at Pearl* rick! 

Steven: Ouch, are you okay??

Spinel: *shouts from the bleachers* Are you okay Dollface?

Y/N: *shouts back* I'm all good!

Steven: Are you sure? It sounded like you broke it? Do you need me to heal it?

Y/N: *rubs his wrist* Yeah, I- *looks at his wrist confused* I'm good actually. The pain's completely gone!

Steven: That's good! *thinks for a second* Okay I have an idea. From what it seems, your gem is connected to your emotions like mine. Try again but try to feel a strong emotion deep down, like the feeling you get when you want to defend someone you care about.

Y/N: Alright. *he looks at the statue* Alright...I can do this.

He punches but again..nothing. After a few more tries, Y/N looks at the statue annoyed that it didn't even crack.

Y/N: Come on! I barely dented it! I literally caused a crater by just screaming and now I can't even chip this!?

Steven: It's okay Y/N. Just concentrate, breathe.

He calms down and closes his eyes taking a deep breath. When his eyes open he doesn't see the statue anymore his surroundings turn to darkness as he sees Red standing in front of him with an evil grin. He clenches his fist and his gem glows. He draws back his fist and punches the statue completely destroying it. Spinel looks on from the bleachers surprised while Pearl smirks thinking of new training regiments for him.

Spinel: Whoa!!

Steven: That's great! What did you think of?

There was a brief moment of silence.

Y/N: Red...

Steven: Oh... what did she do to you.

Y/N: She tortured me. 

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