Stefan Salvatore ~ Secrets

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Me and Stefan had seen each other in the halls of school but little did he know I had the biggest crush on him.

He would walk through the halls with his leather jacket and jeans looking all hot while people like me had to try not to stare.

He lived in this massive house and the only reason I know is because we were science partners and I had to go to his one day.

Today was another boring day as I sat in maths spinning my pencil between my fingers.

"Uh hey did you get the answer to 7" I heard a whispered voice from beside me. I looked over to where I heard the voice and was met with the confused face of Stefan Salvatore.

I hadn't got the answer but I needed to prove I was smart to him so I just blurted out a random number "49?" I whispered shrugging.

His face went confused to happy as in it looked he was about to burst out laughing. "Are you sure because as far as i've got it's gone up to 1000" he whispered smiling.

I blushed. "I didn't actually get it I was messing with you aha" I whispered awkwardly and then laughed more awkwardly.

I sighed and lay my head on my arms which were now folded on the desk.

"Hey are you okay" Stefan whispered to me. I turned my head round the face him the side of my head still laying on my arms.

"Yeah tired didn't get much sleep last night it was weird it felt like someone was watching me" I whispered smiling at him.

His face dropped instantly "w-what do you mean" he stuttered. "Well It just felt like someone was there yknow when you get that feeling it's fine now though" I smiled and shrugged at the end of my sentence.

He just nodded and no more words were spoken.

At lunch I was about to sit down at my table when I heard someone say my name. I looked over to see Caroline Forbes motioning me to come over.

I looked around to see if she meant anyone else but when there was no one I walked over to her table.

The people who sat at Caroline's table I didn't really talk to them much. There was Bonnie Bennett who was nice to everyone and Elena Gilbert who was known for dating Matt Donovan.

"So Y/N we were talking to Stefan and he likes you" Caroline said excitedly. "Caroline your not meant to tell her" Elena said to her annoyed. I seen Bonnie roll her eyes too.

"Oh" was all Caroline said. "Well Stefan's cute yknow" I said to them quietly. "Oh my god that is so cute" Caroline practically squealed.

After lunch and having to go through with Caroline bickering on about Stefan and me dating I could finally leave.

Don't get me wrong they are nice and all but they've never talked to me till now and are only talking to me because of Stefan.

I walked into my last class English and sat in my seat. I watched as Stefan walked in and sat in his seat quite far away from me.

He noticed me looking at him and smiled at me. His smile was so goddamn cute why is he so cute.

After what felt for ages of thinking about Stefan I smiled back at him. I then looked around the class to see and saw Elena.

She put her thumbs up to me and I done it back confused.

During English I felt myself slipping into a sleep when the teacher called on me. "Y/N pay attention" she said annoyed at me. "Yes miss" I said back rolling my eyes when she turned to face the board again.

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