Elijah Mikaelson ~ I Do

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My nerves started to get the best of me as Marcel came into the room saying it was time. I took a deep breath and made my way over to him. "It'll be alright" he said to me linking my arm with his.

"I know i'm just nervous that's all" I said to him looking down to the floor. I suspect he nodded since he did not say anything else and we started walking toward the corner.

As we turned it all heads turned to us. I looked up from the ground to my soon to be husband Elijah at the alter a small smile plastered onto his face as he looked at me.

I felt heat rush to my face at the sight of him. He had a suit on, what's new but this suit was different it was more formal somehow. Behind him standing was Niklaus and Kol his brothers obviously the best men.

On the other side where I was meant to stand I seen Rebekah my best friend and her sister Freya who was also my friend I just wasn't as close with her as I was Rebekah.

I looked around at the guests as me and Marcel slowly walked up the aisle. I noticed a lot of familiar faces but some people I did not know.

Marcel stopped at the last row of seats and I walked up a few steps up so I was level with and facing Elijah. "You look beautiful" Elijah whispered which every vampire in the room also heard.

"So do you" I whispered jokingly and he chuckled a little. "We are all here today to celebrate the love between these two people, Elijah Mikaelson and Y/N Y/S/N." The priest said which made me and Elijah both look at him.

He kept talking until it was time for both me and Elijah' vows. Elijah was first. "Y/N when we first met you were lonely and had no one to turn to. You had been abandoned by the people you called friends, they left you to die but then I found you. The moment I first seen you my first thought was 'god she is beautiful.' I still do to this day every morning I wake up to the most beautiful women in the world lying beside me. I am so lucky to have you Y/N and I cannot wait to spend the rest of forever with you. I love you Y/N  Y/S/N" Elijah stated and I bit my lip trying to hold back my tears but they slipped through and a tear flowed down my cheek.

I wiped it quickly and chuckled a little. "Elijah, the noble Mikaelson also the love of my life. I have spent 400 centuries loving you and I do not intend to stop. Elijah you were there for me when no one else was, took care of me at my lowest points, and most importantly you actually put up with me" this earned small laughter from the people in the rows of seats and Elijah himself. "I cannot imagine my life without you, you Elijah are the reason I continue everyday, you are my everything and I love you more than anything in the world." I finished and Elijah was on the verge of tears as well.

The priest smiled at the both of us and made each of us repeat what he was saying. "Do you Elijah Mikaelson take Y/N  Y/S/N to be your wife until death do you part" The priest said to which Elijah smiled. "I do" he said and slipped the ring onto my finger.

"And do you Y/N  Y/S/N take Elijah Mikaelson to be your husband until death do you part" the priest said to me. "I do" I spoke clearly sliding the ring down Elijah's finger until it was where it needed to be.

"Elijah you may now kiss your bride" the priest said and Elijah smiled at him then looked toward me. He leaned in quickly and placed his lips on mine. The first thing I heard as soon as his lips touched mine was the sound of Kol cheering awfully loud.

This kissed wasn't like the others, it was different. It felt special. We both pulled away and I smiled happily when I seen Elijah was doing the same.

Time skip to the party
I was dancing around with Rebekah on the dance floor having the time of my life when a slow song started playing.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I spun around seeing Elijah. I looked back at Rebekah and she smiled and walked away waving.

I placed my hand on Elijah's shoulder and the other holding his hand as he placed his on my waist. As we danced together the world felt like it stopped and only me and Elijah were here.

"I love you" he leaned over and whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine. "I love you too" I whispered back and he looked at me and smile. The song soon ended and everyone piled up on the dance floor again.

A faster song started playing and Elijah shook his head. He hated dancing if it wasn't a slow dance. "Elijah please dance with me" I said grabbing his arm as he attempted to walk off the dance floor.

"Y/N I can't and you know that" he said looking scared which made me laugh. I grabbed his hand and started dancing to which he responded back doing a little shuffle still holding my hand.

"Brother please loosen up" we heard Niklaus say standing beside us on the dance floor. "You need to dance as well Nik cmon" I said to him making him giggle a little and shake his head.

"You know I am not a dancer" Nik said and I rolled my eyes playfully. I looked around and seen Kol having the time of his life dancing. "See if Kol can dance like no ones looking why can't the both of you" I said to them still kind of dancing and they both shook their head.

"Kol is the complete and utterly insane that's why" Elijah joked which made Niklaus laugh a little and me to roll my eyes. "If neither of you will dance with me I am going to find Rebekah" I said to them and let go off Elijah's hand.

I felt his large hand grab mine again and he pulled me back. "Fine i'll dance" he said which made me smile in victory. Niklaus giggled once again but left and made his way over to the alcohol.

Elijah did dance with me but he wasn't Kol level but i'm still happy he did. He soon got into the dancing and let loose like Niklaus told him too and we were both having the time of our lives.

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