Sherlock ~ Sentiment

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"Boring, boring, boring" I heard Sherlock say to a client while I made tea in the kitchen of 221B baker street.

I rolled my eyes that's the third time today he's turned down a case. I heard the client speaking but I was stirring my tea and John's.

I picked up John's tea and took it through to him. "Thank you Y/N" John smiled at me and I smiled back.

I went and sat on the couch behind the client. I listened it and Sherlock became more invested and interested.

I sipped on my tea quietly. "Shut up" Sherlock said our of nowhere. I looked up at him looking at me. "I'm sorry what Mr Holmes" the client said.

Sherlock let out a quick breathe "not you, Y/N shut up" Sherlock said. I scoffed at him.

A few hours later I was lying on the sofa trying to have a nap and Sherlock burst in. "Sherlock" I groaned rubbing my eyes.

"I would say sorry but i'm not" he said quickly and then walked to the kitchen. John came in a few seconds later "you alright" he asked me.

I nodded and sat up I knew I wasn't getting to sleep now. "Y/N be quiet I need to concentrate" Sherlock said when I wasn't even talking.

I was so angry at him all the time he would always do it I feel like Anderson. I angrily rolled over so I facing away from them and pulled the covers over me.

"Sherlock" I heard John scold. "What" Sherlock said obliviously. "Apologise now she lives here she has to put up with your shit now apologise" John whispered loudly.

I had moved into 221B after John moved in with Mary.

Sherlock sighed and walked over to the couch and sat on the table. "Y/N" he said with no emotion. I didn't budge I didn't care.

He groaned he looked back at John and John motioned for him to do it.

He turned back around he coughed quietly. "Y/N i'm sorry for treating you like Anderson" Sherlock said unsure.

"Sherlock!" John shouted angrily. Sherlock stood up quickly. I stood up "Apology accepted" I said my voice dripping with sarcasm.

I picked up my covers and took them to the room upstairs. I placed them back on my bed and sat on it. I needed air.

I brushed my hair and put on my coat. I headed downstairs and walked past the living room and seen Sherlock sitting on his chair with his hands in that position.

I decided not to say anything and kept walking down as soon as I was about to walk out Mrs Hudson spoke up.

"The only reason he's can't apologise is because he likes you more than anyone he's too stubborn to admit it" she said.

"Mrs Hudson" I said and she gave me a knowing look and walked back into the room.

I walked out the door and started to walk down the street. I didn't know where I was going and to be honest I didn't care.

I walked to a nice Chinese restaurant I liked and ordered something. I never noticed one thing that Sherlock was sitting behind me and watching me.

My food then came and Sherlock stood up and raced to my table and sat down. I looked at him "what are you doing here" I said annoyed.

I left the flat for a walk to get away from him and here he was. "Hi" he said smiling like a lunatic.

"Sherlock" I said seriously. His smile dropped and it went back to his stupid resting bitch face.

"I felt bad" he said quietly as if he didn't want anyone to hear.

"Sorry what you felt bad the infamous Sherlock Holmes incapable of feeling sentiment or any type of loving feeling feels bad for me" I said to him smiling smugly.

Mrs Hudson was right Sherlock is a simp.

"Don't tell anyone" he said avoiding eye contact and looking out the window.

"Simp" I coughed and started eating my food. "I am not a simp" Sherlock said looking at me. "You are your a simp for me and John" I said smiling and taking a mouth full of food.

Sherlock just ignored me but he didn't deny it.

After I finished I payed the bill and me and Sherlock walked out.

"Again I am sorry" Sherlock said. "Your forgiven because I used your wallet to pay" I said taking his wallet out my pocket and waving it in front of him.

"How did you-" He said grabbing it from me. "It was on the table and I snatched it" I said smiling at him innocently.

He chuckled a little eventually we made it back to 221B. We were both laughing when we walked back in and Mrs Hudson saw us.

"Take it you two have made up" Mrs Hudson said smiling at us two. I smiled and nodded at her. She smiled and walked back into the room.

"Thank you for apologising Sherlock" I said smiling looking up at him. I never realised how bright Sherlocks eyes were. They were beautiful and I need to admire them more but I know we will never have a moment like this again.

Sherlock seemed to be looking into mine and he started getting closer and closer. Soon our lips met just grazing each other's and soon meeting fully.

"Sherlock is that you back" We both heard John call. We both pulled away quickly "yes" Sherlock called.

I coughed and blushed and walked upstairs Sherlock following behind me. I went straight up to my bedroom and just lay on my bed.

I touched my lips and remembered how Sherlock's felt against mine and I wanted more.

Did the kiss mean anything to him or was he just in the moment he probably regretted it already. This is Sherlock Holmes we're talking about the sociopath who can't feel sentiment.

I thought about his nice bright eyes and how they looked as he was looking into mine.

I feel asleep eventually just playing the memory over and over in my head.

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