Tom Lucitor ~ Friends

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again obsessed with this show, and also storyline wont be right.
I'm so glad Star was the older sister I wouldn't be able to rule Mewni. Star was my twin sister but we weren't identical twins so we looked complete different.

I had Y/H/C and Y/E/C and I loved it. Me and Star had been on earth for about a month now and she was loving it. Me on the other hand I couldn't wait to go home.

All my friends were back there. I was already in the castle back in Mewni. I had friends down in the village who I spent all my time with. I'd stay at their house practically every night.

I never learnt the stuff Star did up in the castle like how to act and what not to do. I'm pretty rebellious as my parents called it I think i'm fucking sick.

Me and Star live with this guy called Marco he's alright I guess we fight a lot. Most times he's annoying but he has his moments.

Then there's Janna she's really cool. Jackie she's cliche and has a crush on Marco. I couldn't care less about Marco's little friends so i'm not rating them.

Me and Star were in complete different friend groups. I was in the 'wrong crowd' and she was with Ponyhead. Somehow she still ended up dating someone from my group. Tom Lucitor. That bitch knew I liked him and still dated him.

I was so mad but got over it when they broke up. I had to act like I didn't care when a Star joined our group and ruined everything. She told our mum about us sneaking away to go out to parties we were to young to be at.

She would tell mum every time we went out and where. It was so annoying we had to put up with it until she broke up with Tom.

Now everything is great I still go out a lot with friends even though i'm stuck on Earth. Star doesn't  really know because I go when she's asleep. Marco doesn't either because he would tell Star.

Tonight our group was going to a concert and I was really excited. It was in another dimension so I made sure my dimensional scissors were in my secret hiding spot. Star didn't know I had earned my scissors from Heckapoo I done some weird shit and got them.

So that meant I had to hide them in my room somewhere. I didn't have a wand like Star did since I was going to be queen. That's the only thing i'm jealous of her and apart from when she was dating Tom.

Star and Marco were out somewhere with Ponyhead so this was my time to get ready for the concert. I got in the shower and got out and then dried my hair. I then curled it to perfection and decided not to put makeup on. I then put on my favourite outfit.

I heard Star and Marco coming back through the front door and I groaned. I had a massive room like Star because she used her magic. That was the only reason I didn't hate her.

I walked out my room door to hear Star. "Marco you are so close to asking her out just pull yourself together" she said shaking him by his collar.

I walked down the stairs and they both looked at me. "Wow, you look, amazing Y/N" Marco said and I cocked my head to the side looking at him confused. "Uh thanks" I said my eyebrows furrowing at his compliment.

"Are you going out?" Star asked me curiously. "No" I said to her quickly. She squinted her eyes at me then opened them back up again.

"Okay!" she replied happily and ran up the stairs dragging Marco with her.

I went back to my room and waited for the time to pass.

A few hours later I had to head out since I was meeting everyone there. I grabbed my dimensional scissors and opened a portal to the dimension. I then closed it as soon as I got through.

I looked around and noticed Tom and one of our friends Jennifer who was from Mewni as well one of my friends who lived in the village.

"Hey guys" I said walking over and they looked over at me. "Heyyy" Jennifer said to me pointing finger guns at me. I cringed while laughing and shook my head.

"What's up where is everyone" I asked them looking around some more to see if any of our friends were around. "They should be here soon don't worry" Tom said shrugging. He was wearing his usual attire with the star on it.

I nodded and played with my hair a little. These two people caught my eye, one had blonde hair in a ponytail with a mask and the other had a big sombrero hat on with a mask. They looked really familiar, they seen me looking and ran to the left. I just shook my head.

After a few minutes the whole group finally made and the concert started. I was in between Tom and our other friend Shaun and we were all dancing a lot. While I was dancing those two masked people were staring at me and I got their eye. They quickly looked away and whispered something to each other.

"Who are they" I heard shouting from beside me and looked over to the voice to see Tom had stopped dancing and was looking at me.

"I don't know i've noticed them twice staring at me" I shouted back and he nodded curiously and looked back at them. Suddenly I felt someone push my back and I fell into Tom's arms. He caught me and I blushed hard.

I scrambled up and smiled at him awkwardly "thank you" I said blushing and could tell he was too.

I turned around to see Shaun giggling to Jennifer who was beside him and they were looking at us. "I am so going to kill you guys" I said laughing.

After the concert I said my goodbyes to everyone and used my scissors to go home. Tom followed me through and went and sat on my bed. "Uh Tom?" I asked him confused to why he wasn't going home.

"I wanna hang out with you more" He said smiling softly and I blushed and sat beside him.

We talked for 20 minutes when Star and Marco burst open the door and what I mean was Star kicked it. She pointed her wand at Tom and Marco was doing his karate poses.

"Star, Marco out now please" I said to them and noticed Star's hair was tied up. Something about it seemed awfully familiar then it clicked.

"What the hell were you doing at the concert" I said getting really angry she had followed me. "What?" her and Tom said at the same time and she blushed.

That made me even more angry. "What are you talking about Y/N" Marco said trying to be comforting. I looked at him and it looks could kill he'd be very dead on the floor.

He backed away a few steps and let Star do the talking. "We just wanted to see if you were okay we didn't want T- anyone to hurt you if they got angry or something" Star said quickly which set me off to the max.

"YOU FOLLOWED ME AND MY FRIENDS STALKED ME ALL NIGHT AND YOUR IMPLYING IF YOU WEREN'T THERE WITH YOUR STUPID WAND TOM COULD HAVE HURT ME, STAR BUTTERFLY GET OUT!" I shouted at her and she looked taken aback. She just stood there stunned and Marco picked her up and walked her out.

I fixed my hair and sighed then smiled at Tom. "Sorry about that" I said and sat back down. I looked at him and he was blushing hard. "Thanks for defending me" he said quietly and I looked over to him.

"It's no problem it's what friends do" I said and winced at the word friend I wanted way more than that. I seen him stiff up a little when I said that and wondered if he thought the same thing.

"I'd better be getting home now" he said standing up and taking out his dimensional scissors. Just as soon as he was going to step into it "Tom wait." I said and got up and walked over to him.

I placed my hands on his cheeks and kissed him. He was surprised for a moment but kissed back wrapping his arms around my waist. That was my que to drop my arms down to his shoulders.

We pulled apart and smiled at each other and laughed slightly. "I'll see you later yeah" he said stepping back and I nodded blushing.

With that he stepped into the portal and it disappeared. I flopped onto my bed blushing like crazy and climbed into my covers still in my clothes. I fell asleep replaying what had just happened in my head.

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