Matt The Radar Technician ~ Bathroom Stall

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I was a storm trooper and was sitting having my lunch with another storm trooper i'm friends with when this guy came through.

"Hi i'm Matt i'm a radar technician" was all he said. He was quite cute and had weird hair.

He came and sat beside me and my friend. "Do you guys like working here" He asked us looking between us.

"Not exactly I have a fear of being killed out on the battlefield but yknow its work" I said to him while shrugging.

"You'd let Kylo Ren kill you, you find him so attractive even though you've never seen his face" My friend said. I kicked him under the table harshly and rolled my eyes.

"I do not" I said embarrassed. "Oh well I heard he's really attractive under the mask a friend of mine seen him" Matt said. This guy was weird.

"Well work is work here" Someone said else said sitting down. "Yeah totally, what do you guys think of kylo ren do you guys believe when he's says he's gonna finish what darth vader started" Matt asked.

"I mean sure I don't really care" I said stabbing my plastic fork into my salad. Matt looked at me and I just shrugged at him.

"You'll just agree with anything he says because you like him" The guy in a black suit thing said.

"I don't like Kylo Ren okay I just find his body attractive I guess" I shrugged. I did find Kylo Ren attractive very attractive. He would often walk through the halls loudly and I would loose focus of what I was doing even if I was just walking by.

"His body" asked Matt curious. "Why do you care" I snapped at him. He seemed to back up a little and looked back at his food.

Everyone stayed quiet after I snapped and I smirked to myself. I guess you could call me like popular amongst the stormtroopers a lot of people knew me.

"Back to the Kylo question I think he gets a bad wrap, I mean he's trying to accomplish something that hasn't been done in the history of the galaxy, rule everything that's impressive I admire the guy" Black suit guy said.

I rolled my eyes when Matt spoke up "exactly, EXACTLY" he said rather loudly. I just looked at him like he was crazy.

Later that day I was walking by in my suit and helmet when I saw someone kick Matt's wrench. "Hey you kicked my wrench, Jerk face" he said loudly at the start and quietly at the end.

I decided to slide it under my foot back to Matt.  "Your welcome Matt" I said smiling under my helmet.

He seemed to recognise my voice and he smiled "thank you."

Me and black suit guy who I learned his name was George and my friend were standing at the vending machine when Matt showed up behind us.

"Hey what do you guys think of Kylo Ren's lightsaber" He asked making my friend jump. Why did he care so much about Kylo Ren.

"Yeah man that things weird looking" My friend said. "I think it looks cool" I added smiling at Matt.

"No it's not it's awesome i'll show it to you" Matt said walking away. I looked at my friend weirdly and Matt walked back in with it in his hands.

"Look I found Kylo Rens lightsaber look at it up close" Matt said holding it up right up to his face.

"Woah Matt" I said nervously. "Man that thing looks dangerous, looks like a little kid made it" my friend said.

"YOU DON'T HAVE TO LOOK THAT ANYMORE" Matt shouted throwing at the wall.

I grabbed Matt's shoulders "Woah Matt calm down okay" I said to him. He looked at me and his eyes were twitching. "Breath in and out" I said quietly.

He did as he was told and calmed down after a few moments. "Good" I said smiling at him. His cheeks seemed to go a light pink that's probably just my eyes.

I didn't see Matt that much after that moment but I couldn't stop thinking about it. When I was quite close to him holding his shoulders I really admired his face and it was really cute.

After a while I was headed to the toilets and was stopped by Matt. "Hey uh Y/N" he said blushing. "Hey Matt what's up" I said smiling.

"Nothing I was just wondering what your up to" he asked blushing. "I was just uh headed to the toilet yknow" I said awkwardly smiling.

"Oh uh cool yeah I just wanted to say thanks for calming me earlier there I appreciate it" He said smiling.

I nodded and before I knew it we were in the ladies bathroom making out in a bathroom stall. Things escalated quickly.

I could feel his hand moving up from the side of my stomach on top of my suit.

"Matt, Matt" I said to him pulling away from him. "Yeah" he asked breathing heavily.

"We should probably get back to work the both of us" I said to him smiling. He nodded and we both snuck out the bathroom.

An hour later we were sitting at a table and Matt spoke up. "A buddy of mine seen Kylo Ren take his shirt off in the shower."

Jesus Christ why did I make out with him. "He said Kylo Ren had an 8 pack" Matt said aggressively.

"What your friends a liar man Kylo Ren's a punk bitch, the guy looks like he weighs 30 pounds soaking wet underneath that little black dress" My friend said to him.

Suddenly he started choking on his food. My eyes widened as I looked at him we couldn't help him since he was wearing his suit.

"Oh no he's choking on food" Matt said sarcastically. Suddenly Matt's hand lifted up and so did my friend.

"I see what's in your mind, it is STUPID" Matt shouted and threw him into the vending machine.

My mouth just hung open. Matt then left and me and my friends stood up and we leaned onto the wall.

After 30 minutes Matt walked in again. "Guys I have a bombshell announcement to make guys i'm not Matt i'm-" Matt said but was interrupted by my friends.

"Kylo Ren" "Your Kylo Ren" They both said. Wait what I made out with Kylo Ren.

Matt smiled at me and I smiled back. What have I gotten myself into.

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