Alex Elmslie ~ Sugar Daddy

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I sang my lyrics to the massive crowd in front of me and they were all cheering loudly.

Being a singer wasn't easy but it wasn't really hard. The hard part was paparazzi and hate the easy part was the fans and my love for writing songs.

Of course like any other singer my lyrics are all about a boy. That boy is Alex Emslie, my best friend from childhood. Me and Alex grew close when we met through our parents being friends and were inseparable since.

I have been in a lot of Alex's videos since he uses me for 'clout' as he calls it. We react to videos together and other stuff sometimes.

This was the last show of my tour and it was in London so I could just head home after.

I sang the last words to my last song of the concert and thanked everyone for being here and the show ended.

I went backstage and I had a lot of hugs and words of 'well done' and 'good performance.' After I had hugged my team and all that I noticed someone who I didn't expect to be here.

"George?" I asked him and walked toward him. "What are you doing here" I asked with confusing in my voice.

"Your coming back to our flat Alex wants to like celebrate the last show of your tour" George said simply.

I nodded and we headed there in George's car. When we got his flat he unlocked the door and Alex was already there with a chinese and alcohol.

I smiled at the sight of those two things and sat down beside him not even saying anything.

"Uh hello" Alex said jokingly frowning. "Oh sorry hey Alex" I said giving him a hug then looking back at the chinese.

Turns out George wasn't joining us and it was just me and Alex. We ate our chinese and drank while watching a film we both liked. We then agreed to film a video and headed to his room.

He turned on the camera and did his intro. "Hello everyone ImAllexx and welcome back today i'm here with this prick" Alex said pointing at me.

"Rude" I said laughing. He smiled at me and then turned to his computer. "Okay so the video we are watching today is called 'meet my daddy'" he said (let's pretend he didn't film this with James) . I cringed at the sight of the thumbnail which was a young boy making out with an old man.

We were making jokes while watching it and it turned out to be a sugar daddy video. Alex pauses the video. "Have you ever had a sugar daddy to yknow kick start your career" Alex asked curiously.

"Does stealing your money count" I joked as he sighed while smiling and looked at the camera. "I can already see the ship edits coming in" he said and I laughed and blushed. I really hope the camera didn't catch that.

He paused it after the young boy asked a sex question to the old man. "Jesus christ" I said putting my head in my hands and leaning on the desk.

I felt Alex rub my back "it's alright Y/N we can make it through the video" he said a tone of humour in his voice.

I lifted my head and rolled my eyes at him. I waved my hands in front of his face "Oooo Alex the ship edits" I laughed and he laughed as well.

"Breaking news singer Y/N Y/S/N gets her back rubbed by pedophile" Alex said in a funny voice and motioned his hands to make a headline.

I burst out laughing "the thing is it's true."

We continued to just make jokes about the creepy video of the young boy and his sugar daddy.

We finished the video and we discussed it with each other and the camera and then Alex done his outro.

"Alright that's the end of the video be sure to subscribe and stream her music that's all from Y/N and her sugar daddy" Alex said putting his thumbs up to the camera and I done the same while laughing.

As soon as he turned it of I took my phone out and went on instagram to look at the ship edits of me and Alex in general.

"Let's watch them" I said and he scooted his chair over so he was quite close and we both watched the screen.

There was a really cute one with the song 'make you mine' and I liked it. I had liked all the ones we had seen but this one was different.

"That's going on my story" I said posting the edit to my story. "Now people are going to think we're dating" Alex said and I shrugged. "It's a good edit it needs recognition" I said to him and it was his turn to shrug.

We watched a few more and liked them all and then I turned my phone off. We watched a few videos on his computer and I started to get tired.

I yawned and leaned back in my chair. Alex looked back at me "you alright" he asked me softly. It was only sometimes Alex was soft like this and it was my favourite times.

"Yeah just tired" I added and he nodded. Just like that the moments were gone. After a few minutes I had fell asleep on the chair and was awoken from the feeling of being lifted up.

I still pretended to be asleep as I knew it was Alex. "Y/N I know your awake" he said in a duh tone as he placed me down on his bed.

I groaned tiredly and pulled him down to the bed with me. He just laughed quietly and wrapped his arms around me.

I felt safe in his arms and I snuggled into him and I felt him kiss the top of my head. I blushed like crazy and smiled to myself.

After a few minutes of trying to fall asleep I felt him playing with my hair. I smiled as he done so and eventually fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up still in his arms and I snuggled closer once again as he started to stir.

He woke up and looked down at me. "Did I wake you sorry" I said frowning and he shook his head.

Neither of us said anything we both just lay there in each other's arms. No one needed to say anything either. It was just me and him.

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