Klaus Mikaelson ~ Love

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"You promise you won't hurt her" My brother Stefan said to Klaus in the Salvatore boarding house. I groaned and they both looked at me. Stefan looked confused but Klaus looked intrigued as he raised an eyebrow.

"Get your head out the gutter" I said to Klaus and he smirked at me. Me and Klaus were good friends but my brothers Stefan and Damon didn't trust him with me. I knew Klaus would never hurt me or do anything to try hurt me.

"You know I would never think of you in such a way love" he said to me and I stiffened he knew I loved his accent and when he called me 'love.'

I stood up from the couch I was sitting on and Damon was immediately by my side. "Where were you having sex with Elena?" I asked in a joking tone which made Stefan frown which I noticed.

"Sorry Stefan" I said and walked over to him and patted his back. I stood beside Klaus and both of the boys looked at me worriedly.

Okay so me and Klaus met a week after I was turned by Stefan. Stefan basically made me drink his blood then snapped my neck just for revenge since I didn't trust the vampires and didn't try stop our father when he took away their precious Katherine.

The only reason i'm a vampire because Stefan is a petty bitch. So yeah as soon as he turned me both him and Damon fled and I found some people and just simply killed them. My emotions were so heightened and I was so hungry all the time.

Then me being hungry I found myself feeding on someone behind a building and then Klaus noticed me. He came over and I tried attacking him not knowing he was an original/hybrid. He just grabbed both my wrists with a tight grip and told me who he was.

I ended up just breaking down and he held me in his arms and consoled me. He then helped me with my blood control and trained me to fight properly.

A lot of people aka the Mikaelson siblings have told me Klaus would have never done that to anyone and that i'm lucky he never killed me.

"Okay be careful please" Stefan said to me and I nodded. Me and Klaus were going to travel together for a while before I return back to Mystic Falls.

I hugged Stefan then Damon and they both said their goodbyes. As soon as we stepped out the door I grabbed Klaus' arm and started running. I then stopped when we were in the middle of town. No one really noticed how we got there which was good.

I never realised I was still holding Klaus' hand until he started walking around still hand in hand with me.

"Where are we going first" I asked Klaus and he gave me a genuine smile "New Orleans" he said which I responded with a big smile.

I had always wanted to go there but I never had the chance to go. "You can't meet Marcel" Klaus said to me which made me tilt my head to one side.

"He's a very good friend now come on" he said and he went in some direction. We seriously aren't walking are we.

time skip to new orleans
Me and Klaus had made it to New Orleans and we had were walking around. He was showing me around and telling me how this was his home.

He showed me all his favourite places when someone approached him. "Klaus Mikaelson" someone said which made us both turn to the voice.

There stood an attractive black man. "Marcel" Klaus said smiling and he hugged the man.

The man then turned to me and held my hand up to his mouth and kissed it softly. I blushed "o-oh h-h-hi Marcel was it i'm Y/N" I said stuttering and smiled awkwardly.

"It's a pleasure" Marcel said which made me blush and look to the floor smiling. I looked over at Klaus to see him with an angry expression on his face.

"It was great seeing you Marcel but i'm going to finish showing Y/N around" Klaus said anger in his voice and he grabbed my wrist and pulled me along with him.

I winced slightly at how tightly he was holding it. "Klaus" I said softly trying to pull my wrist away which made his grip tighten. I felt a crack in my wrist and I knew it was broken.

Klaus let go quickly at looked at me sadly an apologetic look in his eyes. It instantly healed but it still hurt like hell. "What is your problem" I shouted getting the attention of some people around us.

"Y/N be quiet" he said looking around. "No Klaus tell me what did I do for you to break my fucking wrist!" I shouted and this caught much more people attention.

"Maybe I should have stayed home Stefan was right" I said and walked away from him to which I knew he would get mad at. He hated it when people turned their backs on him. He hated in general when I was mad at him. He often would make me feel better by taking me somewhere and explaining the story behind it since he was always probably there when it happened.

I tried not to let tears fall as I walked away. I just kept walking and contemplated going home when I felt someone pull me into a corner.

I hissed at them and then realised who it was. "Elijah?" I asked and he nodded letting go of me. "What are you doing here" I asked him and he walked out the corner me following behind.

"I seen you and my brothers fight and I wanted to help" he said walking like the classy motherfucker he is. "I'm going home anyway" I decided and Elijah shook his head chuckling.

"What?" I said defensively not liking him chucking at me. "We both know you aren't going to leave without apologising to Klaus" he said and I scowled at him. Deep down a part of me knew he was right.

"Go, find him" Elijah said and I simply nodded. I sped around trying to find him and eventually I walked into this place where I seen him sitting in a chair.

"Klaus" I whispered knowing he could hear me clearly. His head rose slowly but he never turned round. "I'm sorry I overreacted" I said taking a step forward when he appeared right in front of me obviously having used his speed.

His face slowly got closer to mine and I looked down at his lips and felt them on my own. I closed my eyes and I felt him wrap his arms around me.

I then wrapped mine around his shoulders and we both pulled away. He rested his forehead on mine and chuckled. "I've been wanting to do that for so long, love" he said and I smiled knowing I was happy with him.

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