Ethan Morgan ~ Veronica

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I walked into my brother Benny's room angrily as I had just found out he stole my hair brush because him and his stupid friend Ethan are dressing up as cheerleaders or something.

"Benny!" I shouted at him and walked behind his chair and kicked it. He spun around in it and looked at me with a blonde wig and brushing it.

"What?" he asked me in a girly voice and twirled his hair in his finger. Ethan sighed and grabbed the hair brush off him. "Here" Ethan said handing me it. Ethan didn't have a wig on but it was in front of him on Benny's desk.

"Thank you Ethan" I said smiling sweetly at him then pulling Benny's wig off his head. "Hey!" he shouted grabbing it out my hand.

I rolled my eyes at him and stormed back out. I closed his door and then leaned against it. I sighed and blushed at the thought of Ethan.

I smiled to myself and walked back into my room. I got ready to go to Ethan's because Benny had told me we are going for a slumber party or something.

I curled my hair and put on a little makeup not much though. I moved my hair about until I was happy with it and I got changed into my favourite joggers and one of Benny's shirts I stole it so I felt like I had a boyfriend.

I went downstairs and both Ethan and Benny were both girls. "Names" I asked I didn't know what to call them in front of the cheerleaders.

"I'm Betty and this is Veronica" Benny said in the same girly voice he had done earlier. "Is that my shirt" he asked in his normal voice.

"Yeah get over it let's go" I said to him and walked out. They both followed me out and we walked to Ethan's house. "I like your hair Y/N" I heard Ethan say from beside me.

I looked over at him "thank you" I said to him and smiled. "Dude stop hitting on my sister" Benny said and groaned.

Ethan just rolled his eyes and we made it to the house. Ethan opened the door and Sarah was already there since she was babysitting Jane.

"I've already gave her your money and agreed you'd make her bed for a week" Sarah as Ethan walked in. "Great thanks Sarah" Ethan said and sat on his couch.

We all sat on the couch waiting and then Stephanie and her little minions burst in.

"Hey girls" Stephanie said smiling like the devil she is. I rolled my eyes and went to the kitchen. I grabbed a packet of crisps out of Ethan's cupboard and I heard loads of giggling from the living room.

I opened the crisps and just sat at Ethan's island in the kitchen and just ate. Jane then walked in smiling like a mad woman.

"Y/N come join us please" she whined and grabbed my arm pulling me off the chair. I groaned and got up how can I say no to her.

We walked into the living room and they were all having a pillow fight. Here we go. Jane handed me a pillow and I rolled my eyes.

I was looking at Jane complaining when Ethan hit me in the face with a pillow. "You bit-" I said and cut myself off meanwhile hitting him in the face harder.

He laughed and we started hitting each other with it. After a while everyone had calmed down and I had went back into the kitchen. 

I had finished eating my crisps and now I was onto a milk chocolate cookie. I was sitting at the island when Ethan came in.

"What's up, Veronica" I said smirking I knew he was hating this. "Shut up" he said groaning. I broke him a half of my cookie and slid it over to him.

"Thanks" he said and took a bite out of it. We talked for a few minutes and then we went back through to the living room and sat down.

"So Y/N surely that's not your shirt is there a special guy" Stephanie said to me. I could tell she didn't care.

"No it's uh my ex'" I said not giving anything away of Benny's real identity. "Oh what's his name" she asked me. "Uh E- Harry" I said quickly thinking of a name.

I had to put up with all their girly shit until they left. I groaned and me, Benny and Ethan all went up to Ethan's room.

Benny announced he was going to the bathroom so it was just me and Ethan. "I don't wanna sleep in Benny's shirt it may be my favourite thing but I can't" I said laughing.

"You can have one of my hoodies if you want" Ethan asked me and opened his wardrobe. YES YES YES. "Sure" I said smiling and as soon as he turned around I fist bumped the air like 4 times.

He threw a grey hoodie my way and I caught it. "Thank you" I smiled and stood up. Benny then walked back in. He looked between us and squinted his eyes.

I rolled my eyes at him they had both taken off their wigs and stuff and they were normal boys again except the fact they had painted nails and stickers on their face but they never knew that.

"I'm going to head home" I said to them both. I knew Benny was going to stay here at Ethan's so I may as well leave.

"I'll show you to the door" Ethan said smiling at me. Benny was still looking between us and looked suspicious.

We both walked to the door and we stopped. "Thanks for the hoodie I don't know if you're going to get it back" I said jokingly but kinda serious.

"Yeah probably Benny never got his shirt back" he laughed. I blushed and kissed his cheek. "Bye Ethan" I said and walked out the door not waiting on his reaction.

I blushed as I walked down the street and my phone vibrated. 'i'll see you tomorrow :) x' Ethan had sent me. I bit my lip slightly and sent back 'yeah :) xx' I was being daring and sending 2 x'.

I was excited for tomorrow so that I could see Ethan again.

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