Poe Dameron ~ Loser

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Kijimi a very dodgy planet it just so happens to be the one I live on. I was born here and grew up here but it wasn't all bad because I had a best friend growing up.

Poe Dameron. He was my best friend for years then left to join the resistance then I realised how much I liked that idiot.

He was really stupid in a nice way. He would get in trouble all the time and always cause it.

He was a risk taker and that's what I liked about him he made me feel like myself like I belonged.

Today is a normal day I was headed to go to my work which was practically making sure others do their work.

I was someone who would watch people work and make sure they were and if they stopped I had to shout at them.

I hated my job but some days it feels good shouting at people when your angry or had a shit morning.

As I turned the corner to my work I bumped into a familiar face. "Hey watch it idi- Poe?" I asked. I took a good look at his face. That was my Poe.

"Hey Y/N I need a favour" he asked a bit hesitant. I scoffed "I haven't seen you in what years and you ask for a favour and I don't even get a hug" I said annoyed at him.

"Please i'll make it up to you" he begged and looked around the corner. I sighed "what is it" I asked.

I then noticed a little droid at my feet. "Aren't you the cutest thing" I said smiling I kneeled down.

"Y/N take us to Babu Frik" Poe said and I stood up. "Why" I asked but when he looked at me seriously I shrugged. "Follow me and he might not be happy since your not in the crew" I shrugged.

"Crew?" someone asked and I looked behind Poe to see a black man and a white girl and a golden robot behind them.

"Yeah Poe was a spice runner" I said to the black man who had previously asked. Poe was trying to get me to stop talking while I told him.

"You were a spice runner" The man asked. "You were a storm trooper" Poe replied "spice runner" the girl smiled amused. "You were a scavenger we can do this all night" Poe said again.

I rolled my eyes and started walking they all followed me but they were taking their time.

Eventually we made it and the girl started talking to Babu Frik. Poe didn't say a word to me as he looked at the golden robot sitting in the chair.

Unbelievable I don't even get a 'I missed you' or even a 'How are you doing.' "I'm Finn" the man said to me.

"Y/N" I said smiling but it was more of a sad smile since I was upset. Finn seemed to notice it.

"Hey what's wrong" He asked me. I seen Poe's head spin round fast to look at us but he didn't come over.

"Yeah nothing" I shrugged I wasn't about to tell a stranger and ex stormtrooper about my feelings.

"That's Rey" Finn said gesturing toward the girl talking to Babu Frik. I nodded she didn't really look like a Rey.

"I'm Poe" Poe said jokingly to me but it came off more awkwardly. "I know" I said no emotion on my face.

Finn looked between us and he walked away quietly. "Hi" he said arms wide for me to hug him. I gave in to him and hugged him.

"I missed you" he whispered while stroking my hair. There it was that's what I wanted to hear. "Me too" I whispered embracing him a bit more.

We both pulled away from the hug. "Let's go catch up" Poe said smiling with that stupid grin that I loved.

I nodded and we headed up to the roof. We sat down next to each other. We took in the view for a minute.

"I've saved up enough to get out of here" I said breaking the silence between us. He looked at me "that's great" he said smiling. I showed him something I had gotten from a first order ship.

We talked for a while until a sensitive topic came up.

"Why did you leave" I asked sadness in my voice. "I had to I wanted to help" He said.

I sighed I placed my hands down leaning into them on each side of my body. I felt another hand go on top of mine. I looked down to see Poe's hand.

I smiled at him and he smiled right back. After a few minutes we both went back down and Poe got the message that he needed out of the Robot.

The ground began to shake and Poe grabbed onto me quickly. When it stopped
Rey ran up to see what it was.

It was a bunch of first order ships. They had to get out of here. We all ran out.

"Poe" I said to him. He stopped and turned back to me. I gave him my first order ship thing. (can't remember what it's called don't attack me) He just looked at me. "Y/N I can't" he said. I rolled my eyes while smiling and put it in his front pocket.

"Can I kiss you" he said looking into my eyes. I nodded and he kissed me softly. We parted after a few moments and he smiled.

"I'll see you soon idiot" I joked and smiled. He nodded and ran to catch up with Rey and Finn.

I was in love with that loser.

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