Bill Denbrough ~ Wrong

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Life's great when your Richie Trashmouth Tozier's big sister. I'm only 2 years older so i'm 15. Thank god Richie got the glasses genes and I didn't I don't think I could live with glasses no going to lie.

What's bad for me is i'm curvy for my age which means I get unwanted attention from creeps like Henry Bowers and Patrick Hockstetter. I've had a lot of catcalls from them but they haven't went as far to actually
touch me which i'm grateful for.

What's funny is whenever Richie's friends are in the house or see me they get all flustered. Richie tells me they all have crushes on me but I only find stuttering Bill cute.

He'll get all nervous around me and I think it's cute. I would never tell a Richie about this crush he would go crazy at me.

I have 3 really close friends we are quite popular. No one really messes with us and one of my friends Jamie she gets in fights a lot.

Jamie is the angry one who only likes us, Emily is the one everyone likes, Helen is the mum of the group you would say and me i'm the smartest.

I'm the brains of the group the one who actually cares about school. I want to get a good job that pays well and live a happy life with a husband and 2 kids.

The bell went and everyone rushed out this was the last day then we had summer. I couldn't be more excited. As me and my group walked out I seen Henry lick his hand and wipe
it on Bill's face.

I gagged mentally and walked over to them. "Richie are you going straight home or staying out" I asked him walking over to where him and his friends were.

"Staying out" he answered me fixing his glasses on his face. "H-h-hey Y/N" Bill said stuttering per usual.

"Hi" I said smiling at him. "Y/N are we going or what hurry up" I heard Jamie shout over.

"2 minutes" I shouted back. "Okay be home not to late okay I love you" I said embarrassing Richie he hates it when I do that so I find it funny.

"Shut up bitch" he said blushing with embarrassment. "Bye guys" I said as I walked back over to my friends.

The rest of the day went by quickly and I was at home with Richie and we were in his room talking.

"What did you guys do today" I asked him lying on his bed throwing a tennis ball up and down catching it.

"Nothing much quarry" Richie said shrugging.

We went to bed soon after and I woke up the next morning to loud knocking on my door.

I got up and walked downstairs to see Richie about to open the door. As soon as he opened it Emily and Helen burst in crying their eyes out.

Richie didn't know what to do so he just stood there. I ran down quickly to them. "Hey hey what's up" I said they both jumped into my arms quickly.

"It's Jamie" Helen sniffled. "She's went missing" she added then burst out crying again. I felt tears well up in my eyes and eventually we were all crying together.

Richie had made us all some soup to calm us down we were sitting on the couch not speaking when Richie came over.

"Was you soup nice" he asked us. I nodded and so did Helen and Emily. "That's good" Richie said taking the bowls back to the kitchen.

2 months later
I was sitting on my couch alone in my house when there was a knock at the door. I groaned and got up. I opened it to see Bill.

"Richie isn't here but you can come in if you want" I said shrugging and walking back over to the couch.

Bill quietly came in and shut the door and he sat beside me on the couch. "So what's up" I asked I decided to toy with him a little.

I lay my head on a pillow on the arm rest of the chair and lay my legs over Bill's legs. I seen him blush but he didn't remove them.

"N-n-n-nothing" he stuttered still blushing a lot. I sighed and lifted my feet so I was sitting normally. I smirked and sat closer to him.

"You know" I said and faced him and started playing with the collar of his checkered shirt. "Y-Yeah" Bill said looking at me. Our faces were really close and I don't think either of us minded.

"Your my favourite out of all of Richie's friends" I said biting my lip and moving my hips more toward him. He opened his mouth to talk but no words came out. I smirked at him I put a hand on his neck and we both started to lean in.

Eventually it ended up in a kiss. The kiss got deeper and deeper and eventually I was straddling him on the couch.

We both pulled away for breathe after a minute and our foreheads were placed together. "T-t-this is so wrong" he said smiling.

I shrugged and kissed him again. He started to feel around my body and I started to run my hands through his hair

The doorknob was turning and I quickly got off of Bill just in time. Richie and the rest of his friends walked in. "What's going on" Richie asked suspiciously.

"Bill was waiting on you so we were just talking in the mean time" I shrugged like it was no big deal I just fucking made out with Bill Denbrough.

"Okay cool Bill lets go" Richie said. Bill nodded quickly and got up. Everyone turned to walk out the door and Bill turned to me. I winked at him and he blushed.

Soon enough I was on my own thinking about Bill. Before I knew it I could feel my mind slipping down my pants.

After about 5 minutes I decided to head up to my room. I just lay there on my bed staring at the ceiling. I planned to change into my pyjamas and head to bed.

That was my plan until a certain group of friends knocked on my door. I opened my bedroom door to see what they call themselves the 'losers club.'

"What" I said rudely. I seen Bill and then smiled a little on the inside. Richie just barged in "welcome to Y/N's room" he said and flopped on my bed.

Everyone else followed him and I just stood at my door like an idiot. I then seen someone who I knew "your Beverly Marsh right" I asked her.

I knew her as the school slut I didn't know if I believed it but I had never spoke to her either.

"Uh yeah nice to meet you" she said awkwardly tucking a small piece of her short hair behind her ear.

"I like your hair" I said to her it was true it was nice and curly. "Thank you" she said smiling.

"Compliment us all Y/N" Richie said as he threw something at Eddie.

Eddie went on rambling at him and I just groaned. Bill was looking at me and blushing and I just gave him a look and he stopped.

Me and Bill that was going to happen again i'll make sure of it.

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